How yoga and movement improved my mental health


How Yoga and Movement improved my Mental Health

Hi! My name is Jenny and I work Front of House for CAMYOGA. I struggled with depression, anxiety and OCD since I was 13 years old, and for many years I thought there was no escape from it; I was miserable. I went through a couple of traumatic instances at the ages of 17, and 25 and considered ending my life several times. Movement was my escape, I was a dancer and went to Dance College at the age of 16. However, I found that I was only eased from the pain while I was dancing.

At the age of 23, I discovered yoga and nurtured a love for it. Yoga has been a journey for me, at first, it was purely a movement practice, that again helped to ease the pain. However, over time through my practice and teacher training, I began to build a practice that was not only physical but also spiritual, meditative and mindful. It also brought me into contact with beautiful like-minded souls. Through yoga I became open to counselling, to help me deal with the trauma I suffered and I learnt how to build on my practice of yoga mindfully, even when I wasn’t physically practising.

Today, I am much happier than I ever was, not to say yoga cured me, but it’s definitely helped me to deal with the tough times.

Has yoga helped you with your mental health, or improved your wellbeing? Let us know and you could be featured in the next blog post.

If you or someone that you know has been affected by mental illness or is struggling with their mental health, there are some great resources available:


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Coming up! Workshops with Senior Yoga Teacher Brigitte Riley