Posts tagged courses
Coming up! Workshops with Senior Yoga Teacher Brigitte Riley

By Geni Ebbetts

I met Brigitte about 15 years ago, not long after she had qualified as a yoga teacher, when I attended one of her classes in Milton Keynes. I’ve been practicing yoga since I was 13 (which is a lot longer than 15 years), yet Brigitte’s teaching just resonated with me like nothing had before and that one class, even though I didn’t realise at the time, began my journey towards qualifying as a teacher. Brigitte trained initially with Anusara Yoga, a style renowned for its focus on good alignment and spiritual expression and she was until 2012, an Anusara Inspired teacher. She has so much knowledge and has studied with the most amazing teachers like Tias Little and Rod Stryker and is qualified to teach therapeutic, somatic and yin yoga, most of all she teaches from her heart! I have been so honoured for her to be part of my journey, I have studied with her both before and after I qualified and we have been students together, including many mad road trips to workshops and trainings with other teachers.


When it came to adding more workshops for teachers to our offer at CAMYOGA it was a no brainer for me, Brigitte had to teach them. I have attended all of the workshops that she will be teaching for us (to which she’s added even more detail since I did them) and can guarantee that you will leave each workshop with so much knowledge and so many techniques to use in your classes, I can honestly say that I use something that I have learned with Brigitte in pretty much every class I teach and have shared just a tiny bit of what I have learnt with the students I have taught on our 200 hour teacher training. The great thing about all the workshops that Brigitte is delivering is that they are totally experiential so you get to feel and understand why the techniques you’ll develop will help your students get the best out of your classes and keep them coming back to you for more.

 Here’s what you can expect from each workshop:

May 11 - 12, 2019

You’ll use every prop imageable and probably a few you’ve never considered. Working in a multitude of asana you’ll discover how to use props in every situation to enhance your students practice. You’ll get to experience what if feels like to use props in so many different ways so that you can get it right with your students. A whole lesson on my beginners course was based on what I learnt in this workshop! Genuinely what you learn will change the way you think about using props in your classes. Book now.

July 13 - 14, 2019

Whilst my 200 hr course included some hands on adjustment techniques this workshop changed how I thought about adjusting students, with their permission, in my classes. It helped me understand not only when students will benefit from adjustment, but also which type of assist will work best on any given occasion. Book now.

September 14 - 15

I have used what I learnt in this workshop so much – this really is a common sense approach to building vinyasa classes to a peak/apex pose. You’ll concentrate on an anatomical and energetic approach to fitting postures seamlessly together and your students will love it! I use this approach in all my classes and it never ever fails! Book now.

All of Brigitte’s trainings that I have attended have been so rewarding, she has a wonderful way of making you work really hard without you realising it. You’ll learn and laugh I promise!

Mindfulness - an instant improvement to mind and body

Mindfulness: For Instant Improvement to Mind & Body


If our last article didn't persuade you about the importance of mindfulness then what has been discovered in the following study might do the trick: ‘In just eight weeks of training in mindfulness and mindfulness meditation, studies show that the brain and the way it processes emotion under stress can be changed. At the end of eight weeks, the immune system is more robust, people feel calmer, and they feel more comfortable with their bodies. Their risk of injury is dramatically reduced.’ Tamara Mitchell This shows that Mindfulness has an instant effect if one is willing to stick to it on regular bases. You can learn about Mindfulness and about how to build your own practice in one of our following courses.

Mindfulness Day Retreat with Anna Jackson Saturday 1st June 2013 10.00 to 16.30 £75 | £65 concs

With everything going on it can be so easy for the mantra to be ‘I am so stressed’ or ‘I am so Busy’.

This day retreat will include yoga asana, pranayama and meditation that will help with creating awareness of what is happening, reducing stress and increasing the joy of being in the moment. More info here.

Mindfulness - An Introduction with Carolyn Pallon Tue 11th June 2013 to Tue 2nd July 2013 18.00 to 19.45 £80 | £65 Gold & Silver Members and concs

Over the 4 weeks we will introduce simple, clinically proven skills aimed at building a mindfulness practice that can flow easily into everyday life. Quite simply mindfulness is a way of training one’s mind. We will learn how to become more familiar with the workings of our minds through bringing a friendly curiosity to what is unfolding in our bodies, and our thinking. More info here.