Posts tagged experience
My Broga® Experience by Iir Prihatinawati
iir prihatinawati

iir prihatinawati

When I signed myself up for a free taster of Broga® at CAMYOGA, I didn’t even read which type of yoga I was about to take. I am new in Cambridge - I moved here from Indonesia in August. I have practiced yoga since I was a child - I am a registered vinyasa teacher, and mostly practice yoga at home - so I was excited to get to the studio and have a guided practice.

When I arrived, and a lady told me in the changing room what class I was about to take, I wasn’t sure what to expect...

You know, surprises always come to greet you in the most unexpected corners... I loved it!

Yes, it was mostly men in the class, yes we did heck of a load of high/low planks, either into or from chaturanga or downward facing dog, and yes I was sweating. A lot!

I know what you think, this yoga might be only suitable for the very athletic or experienced practitioners, but to be honest it is not! Let me explain why.

Firstly, the poses were dead simple. Having practiced yoga for over half of my life, I’ve had my time of working to get into the 'fancy poses' - undervaluing these simple poses. But more recently, I’ve started to take notice of the simple things, to find the grace in anything and everything. This was the beauty of the practice.

So, if the poses were dead simple, how did I get my kick from the practice?

These simple poses were repeated over and over again with controlled ujjayi breath throughout - once you’ve done 7 or 8 repetitions of a low and slow chaturanga you start feeling muscles you never knew you had.

The practice really prompted me to be mindful of my own body and muscles. For example: try to come to downward dog, then plank, slide slowly into your low chaturanga and press up to plank and downward dog again, repeat 8 times slowly. Now try it again with one legged dog, one legged plank and so on... Now you know what I mean!

I think I may have read your mind - it sounds scary right?! Don’t worry the teacher, Liz, is very nice and knowledgable and will offer options and modifications for you to work with at at your stage, wherever you are in your yoga journey.

I know you will feel that there are eyes watching what you are doing, pressuring you to do the full pose although deep down you feel that you are not ready yet. Hang on a minute. No one is watching you as each of us is sweating like crazy and trying to keep doing what we are doing with our own perfection, we don’t have time to watch other people! Moreover yoga is not about comparing yourself with other people! Yoga is your journey within. No judgement. Every body is different! Do what is best for you, enjoy the learning, focus within.

Happy practicing and Namaste!

- Iir Prihatinawati

About the AuthorIir Prihatinawati is a registered yoga teacher (RYT200) at Yoga Alliance UK and has just moved to Cambridge from Indonesia. She has been learning yoga since childhood but it became a regular practice for her after her first pregnancy…

About the Author

Iir Prihatinawati is a registered yoga teacher (RYT200) at Yoga Alliance UK and has just moved to Cambridge from Indonesia. She has been learning yoga since childhood but it became a regular practice for her after her first pregnancy, and has been hooked on vinyasa and ashtanga ever since. You can find out more about Iir on her website.

Broga® classes are held on Tuesday evenings, 17.00 at the CAMYOGA Cambridge Central Studio.

Check out our schedule to book.

Take it to the next level! Join our teacher training!

Have you been thinking about taking your practice to the next level and becoming a yoga teacher? You will be pleased to know that our Yoga teacher training and Foundation courses still have a couple of places left.
Louise Lloyd, whom we are sure we don't have to introduce, is excited to meet you and your fellow yogis during training sessions:
"I am really looking forward to starting this year's TT and FC - always fun to see inspired students working and learning together. It is so great to watch the FC students delve deeper into their yogic experience and also seeing the next generation of teachers evolving throughout the TT course."
Those hesitant because they feel they are not quite "there" yet may be relieved to know that Yoga training, like yoga is about more than just flexibility and strength.
We caught Berverley Nolan in the cafe during her two day Pregnancy Yoga teacher training course, who made it clear that its not all about those very impressive poses you see in magazines:
"it is not about your ability to do crazy asana, but about your commitment to your practice and being part of a supportive student group. It is an holistic learning experience which prepares you to guide others."
So do you have the passion to take it to the next level and share the experience and joy of yoga with the world?
Talk to us about signing up !
See you soon