Posts tagged transform
Transformational Breathing Sessions

Transformational Breathing

Book a session with Rebecca Ward this Thursday to better your physical, emotional and mental well-being.

‘Transformational Breath is a self-healing technique that helps people to access the full potential of their breathing system. The connected pattern of conscious breathing is a natural, safe and easy-to-learn technique’ - Rebecca Ward

TRANSFORMATION BREATHING with Rebecca Ward Rebecca is available for booking between 9am and 2pm this Thursday, call the reception on 01223 847930 to make your booking.

And what can you gain in one session?

Doing a session of Transformation breathing will help you to get rid of internal blockages, will leave you more energised and relaxed and will help you to move beyond whatever is standing between you and your happiness. It will also help you to develop a new dimension to your yoga and/or spiritual practice.

If you can’t make it this week session then don’t hesitate to book yourself for next week. Rebecca is available for session every Thursday from 9am to 4pm.