Posts tagged classes
January Competition! Win a month of unlimited classes!

January’s competition is here! All you have to do to enter is attend 3 classes in any 1 week. Every week that you attend 3 classes is an entry, so keep up the good work and you might be rewarded with a prize worth £100!

That’s not all, to make this month super-sparkly, we’re adding another chance to win an ADDITIONAL month - have you seen our open day on January 22nd? Free classes all day long and for every class you attend you’ll be entered into another prize draw to win unlimited classes for a month.

So, 2 ways to win this month (you might even win both 😱 which would be absolutely outrageous but could happen).

Good luck Camyogis 🍀


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What is Barre?

Amy Holly has been bringing her out-of-this-world, positive energy to our studio for many years now, but what is Barre? Here it is in a nutshell:

  • Barre was developed by dancers to keep mobile and strong when returning from an injury

  • It’s a muscle endurance class with elements of all the good things: Ballet, Pilates, strength training, Yoga, and cardio

  • During class expect to be using both full-range and small-muscle groups

  • Every class you attend will build your alignment, improve your posture, and strengthen your core while toning and elongating muscles

  • Barre is inspired by Ballet - but don’t let that put you off - you do NOT need to be a dancer to come to class

When you come to class, you can expect loud music, soulful dance, energetic release, and of course, laughter and SWEAT!

Although we, as a studio specialise in Yoga, we also have a range of specially chosen fitness-style classes which are designed to complement your Yoga practice. Our teachers are non-judgemental, community-focused, and overflowing with positive energy.

We hope to see you in one of Amy’s classes soon! Give it a try, you have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

Barre at CAMYOGA:

Tuesdays 10am - Barre Open with Amy
Sundays 10am - Barre Intermediate with Amy


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Free Classes! CAMYOGA January Open Day

Enjoy free taster classes in a huge range of yoga styles, plus Barre & Pilates, at our Open Day on Sunday 22nd January. Our Open Days are a fantastic way to try something new, completely free of charge, and to introduce your friends and family to the joy of yoga! Never tried Flow before? Now is your chance! Wondering what Ashtanga is all about? Discover what you've been missing! Keen to try out Barre, the hottest workout in town? Give it a whirl, for free!


08:00 - 08:45 Jivamukti Open with Hakan

10:00 - 10:45 Yoga Beginners with Vicky

11:00 - 11:45 Ashtanga with Emma

12:00 - 12:45 Barre with Amy

12:15 - 13:00 Jivamukti Restore & Renew with Andrea K

13:15 - 14:00 Pilates with Lynsey

13:30 - 14:15 Warm Flow with Amanda

14:15 - 15:00 Yoga Flow Open with Daisy

14:30 - 15:15 Hot Yoga with Naomi

15:15 - 16:00 Yang & Yin Yoga with Janine

16:00 - 16:45 Yoga Open with Laura

16:15 - 17:00 Flow into Yin with Rebecca

17:00 - 17:45 Hot Power Yoga with Hakan

Booking essential. Click here to book a class and go to January 22nd 2023.

Our yoga experts will be on hand throughout the day to discuss your yoga needs. Perhaps you've been considering a membership? Maybe you’re looking to start a healthier lifestyle alongside other likeminded individuals.

  • Find the yoga style that best suits your needs

  • Ask any burning questions you might have about Yoga, Barre, Pilates

  • Try our classes for the very first time, and see what we are all about

  • Enjoy discounts and competitions throughout the day

  • Meet our teachers and staff members in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere

  • Yoga is for EVERYONE no matter your size, age, gender, and all those other things we tell ourselves.

All this, for FREE!

There will also be special offers on the day the perfect time to commit to doing more yoga! PLUS every one who attends a class will be entered into a draw to win a whole month of free classes.

The more the merrier so be sure to bring along your friends and family. We’re based in the centre of town, 14 George IV Street, CB2 1HH.


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Make Time for You! John's CAMYOGA experience

Make Time for YOU

Here's John, one of our Yoga students just after practicing Vicky’s Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior class.

He joined CAMYOGA in August 2022 and has been experimenting with the different classes, styles, and approaches we have on offer at the studio.

John is currently using our Monthly Unlimited Membership to attend classes and it has been a pleasure to see his growth at CAMYOGA - in his words:

"I’m really impressed with how the CAMYOGA crew consistently delivers a wide variety of professional, nurturing, and fun lessons. It’s a great spot to enjoy yoga and the overall experience has been excellent. It has really helped my practice get back on track.. big thanks to everyone there"

Do Make time for YOU and join our vibrant community!

Thank YOU, John

Have you attended CAMYOGA classes before and are thinking of rejoining?

Sign up for our Welcome Back New Client Offer: £45 for 30 days of unlimited yoga!

(if you have any issues with this purchase, drop us an email -


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Life changing benefits of Yoga

*Life-changing Yoga Benefits*

There are several benefits of practicing yoga that falls on the physical and mental side - and they will surely keep revealing themselves to you every time you step on the mat!

Although, there are so many other perks that we don't mention as much as they "just happen" and we don't always have the opportunity to catch them

Some examples:

  • The sense of purpose when you book a class

  • The joy when walking into the reception to sign in

  • The smiles shared with others when seated on the mat waiting for the class

  • Others’ grunts after a more physically challenging asana that reminds you (I'm not the only one struggling with this one!)

  • Listening to one-anothers breath

The list goes on... but one of CAMYOGA'S favourites is the Community aspect!

Here's a capture of one of those moments - just after Gez’ (the magician - as a student named him) class our the students have a very much-deserved cup of coffee (the class starts at 8 am!) and chat just before they go and face the day.

What benefits would like to share? Let us know :)

Have you attended CAMYOGA classes before and are thinking of rejoining?

Sign up for our Welcome Back New Client Offer: £45 for 30 days of unlimited yoga!

(if you have any issues with this purchase, drop us an email -


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Make Time for You! Anne's Story

Make Time for YOU

Here's Anne, one of our lovely students just after doing our brand new Flow & Restore class with Rachael Moore on a Thursday morning.

She has been with CAMYOGA since February 2015 when she started with our "old" 10 class pass (aka 100 credits nowadays) and hasn't stopped since then.

Anne is currently a member using her unlimited membership to fully take advantage of the new and not-so-new classes in-studio and as she said:

"Fantastic to be back at Camyoga Central studios. The class today with the amazing Rachael Moore was wonderful. Rachael has unique sequencing. There are other great classes at Camyoga, all now in the studio or online. I love Ashtanga with Emma and Jivamukti with the great Camyoga teachers, Andrea, Vicky, and Hakan. Jasmine's class is fantastic too for her careful choreography and essential oils. thank you CAMYOGA. You kept me going with the virtual classes throughout the pandemic and now it’s wonderful to be back in the studio "

Do Make time for YOU and join our vibrant community!

Thank YOU, Anne!!!!
(We LOVE the jumper too)

Have you attended CAMYOGA classes before and are thinking of rejoining?

Sign up for our Welcome Back New Client Offer: £45 for 30 days of unlimited yoga!

(if you have any issues with this purchase, drop us an email -


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The Wonders of Online Classes... Iyengar Style

CAMYOGA offers a big and diverse schedule and most of our classes are live streamed - we then share the recorded session with you for 48h.

Many of us have learned to love the convenience of this offer for many reasons and in our schedule, some teachers and styles are only on offer, virtually.

Our teachers had to adapt to this new world and haved learned to enjoy it too. Like, Karen Stamper who teaches our Iyengar Open class on Wednesdays. In her words:

For my online yoga class, I use my partner Richard as my model. This means he gets a really good practice as he's determined to show his best poses online! But I also find it really helpful to have him there as a demonstrator, this means I can sit at the screen and help participants achieve the poses with the props that they have.

Students also tell me that it is really useful for them to look up and see Richard in the pose, he has also learnt to reverse the instructions I give so that he is performing them the same way as the student, which flips my brain when I turn to look at him!

You may sometimes hear Richard chipping in with comments because he thinks he knows best!"

This class is full of smiles, hard work and commitment! And we assure you that Virtual classes can be divine!

Book Karen’s class, and check out our other online classes here.

A Q&A with Ali Cellini

Name:  Ali Cellini

Hometown:  this should be a short answer question but it never is for me! I grew up in Kenya – a small town called Malindi, though now my family is all in Nairobi. That is home, but England has also always felt like home as I grew up partially (on and off) here!


Training background:  I trained at a school called Purusha Yoga in San Francisco, where we studied in the Raja Yoga tradition – focused on Hatha, stemming into versions like Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative. Studying at Purusha was amazing as Joy Ravelli, the head instructor and owner of the studio, has been training teachers for more than 20 years, and the breadth of her experience, and that of the other teachers there, gave us a really in-depth well-rounded view on teaching, anatomy and the history and philosophy of yoga – enough to know that we were only scratching the surface and there is always so much more to learn!

What is your favourite yoga pose and why:  Downward dog. Well there are a few... but I'm going to stick with downward dog. I love it. It is essential. It is place where you don't have a reason to forget any part of the body – in it I can be aware of all things, and the connection between all things, and simultaneously it is a place of great surrender. I can feel the ground. I can feel my spine's length. It is hard work and then also shifts into almost feeling restorative at times. In those moments it feels like home. The place to return to and feel like everything is right in the world. 

What is your least favourite yoga pose and why:  Hmmm, well I'd say that I actually kind of love my least favourite poses! For example, gomukhasana – cow face pose – is so very uncomfortable in my body, but it offers me the special practice of finding ease in a place of difficulty... and afterwards I always feel better for it. It's also part of becoming more self-aware, and noticing the things you really need (sometimes not what you're naturally drawn to). It's not about feeling good right now, but about the health and benefits (and perhaps good feelings in those) that come over time.

What is one of your mantras?  Something like "Let what comes, come." I think often , in some form, about releasing the hold on things and the idea of control. And letting what is going to be, be. We do what we can, but we cannot control everything. It's about being decisive and also flexible – committed, but fluid. Being here with what is right now.


Do you have a go-to practice to get you through busy or challenging times?  Music. In any form. I sing, so singing really helps me. But listening to music, being surrounded and engulfed by it, and singing – besides yoga, that has helped me through the most difficult moments and feelings. I could sit and do that for hours in times of sadness. I put the music on and am driven by it in times of busyness. With the right music on, I feel like I can do anything. And tea. And long showers. I find that anything that is a "pause," or that helps to slow down time, helps you in the long run because you realise that everything that needs to get done will, and everything else won't matter.

What can students expect from your yoga classes?  In yoga, I found the ability to clear the space, to not feel surrounded, to release – I strive to channel this experience to others. To me yoga is like a dance; it is an expressive bodily language, and in it we move and search for the "sweet spots". My practice and my classes exist around this opportunity for clarity and expression – they are focused, challenging but accessible to all, but above all they are fun and inclusive. You will hear a lot of music – mostly unexpected! – and you will be provided with a place where you can come as you are (intentional Nirvana reference...). I believe in hard work and creating heat (tapas) where it counts and has purpose, but balancing this with softness and ease.


Where did you last go on holiday? Did you take your mat? My last holiday was in December and was actually my honeymoon! It was in Malta, was barely planned and was a beautiful, unexpected surprise of a place. I admit I did not take my mat as I was specifically there to have a break from EVERYTHING – we walked, ate, explored, and slept 10 hours every night! My practice in that period was to fully restore, and I'd say it was a massive success!

Something we may not know about you…   Well, there are so many things... I am a big Trekkie. A Star Trek fan. Very big. I love stories in general, fantasy and science fiction above all. And I do not watch TV. But Star Trek is something I will always watch. Next Generation is my number 1. But is followed very closely by the Original Series and DS9. And yes, I have related many, many things from Star Trek to yoga ...and used them in classes.

Live long and prosper.


Catch Ali teaching at CAMYOGA:

Monday nights 20.00 at Mitcham's Corner. Click here to book.


Find out more about Ali on her website here.

*New Literary Yoga Classes with Jessica Lawrence

You might have been wondering what a couple of our new classes are all about - Literary Vinyasa Flow and Literary Yin Restorative.... We are very excited to announce brand new classes with one of our most popular teachers, Jessica Lawrence, find out more below...


Literary Yoga Classes



"Growing up I could never quite contain myself to single areas of learning; I was a certified bookworm with a love of foreign linguistics and a penchant for dissection and astronomy, with an intense sideline in ballet. I studied Classical Greek at university so that I could understand myths and verbal morphology better and then went to work in publishing so that I could read other people’s ideas on everything from Baedecker to bike couriering.

What I am trying to say is that I have always found the world to be too huge to avoid being multi disciplinary.

So I decided as soon as I knew that I wanted to be a yoga teacher that I would want some help along the way from voices far more eloquent than mine. Combining my lifelong love of literature with my classes made complete sense to me from the beginning; the basic principles of yoga and a yogic life are a blueprint for making the most of human nature - and human nature is what almost every piece of literature deals with. Bringing two of my disciplines together has expanded both for me and aids in communicating complex and subtle lessons to my students, with the help of the beautiful words of the world’s best and wisest authors and the greatest tool any of us has - our bodies. 


In my classes students can expect to explore elements of yoga philosophy, using novels or meditative non fiction as a thematic framework and the ancient wisdom of yoga and the physical manifestations of this in asana as a practical method of application.

The first of my Tuesday evening classes - Literary Vinyasa Flow
is all of the above with dynamic, creative, dance-like flows and more than a bit of levity, because one thing I take from my multi-disciplinary approach to life is that nothing should be taken too seriously.

The second class - Literary Yin Restorative will use its slower pace and quieter mood to explore one short story or poem within each 75 minutes. Working somewhere between yin and restorative and building up to and down from one single vinyasa we’ll have the time and the space to follow and absorb a simple philosophy from a short piece of literature, using the words as a metronome for peaceful sequences of poses. 

My aim in life has always been to expand my understanding in every direction and I hope you’ll join me in my classes for the ride."

Join Jessica for her NEW regular classes at Great Shelford

Literary Vinyasa Flow
Tuesdays 18:30
Book here

Literary Yin Restorative
Tuesdays 20:00
Book here

Can't make Tuesdays?
Jessica teaches a flow class every Sunday at Great Shelford. 18.30 Book here.

Welcome to the Team Andy, Gemma & Julie - Meet Our Newest Yoga Teachers

Andy's Class Schedule:


Tuesdays @ 18.30 Jivamukti


Saturdays @ 10.00 Jivamukti

You can also catch Andy teaching some Friday Nights at Shelford & at our monthly Kirtan at Central

Andy Nathan

I'm a 300 Hour Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher based in the beautiful medieval market town of Saffron Walden - close to Cambridge and less than an hour from London.

My classes have a strong, playful dynamic with attention paid to meaningful connection with students, disciplined practice and positive intention. I teach a number of regular weekly public classes, co-host kirtans in and around Cambridge, offer private tuition to individuals, groups and businesses and assist my teachers both locally and in London.

I'm also proud to be part of the Yoga for Syria team with some hugely inspiring beings, which puts on a yoga festival regularly and donates all the proceeds to an amazing grassroots organisation which takes aid direct to the mothers and children in need.

Find out more about Andy here.

Gemma's Class Schedule:


Tuesdays @ 13.00 Yoga Flow Open


Mondays @ 10.00 Yoga Open

Wednesdays @ 18.30 Yoga Open                                  @  20.00 Yoga Beginners

Gemma Skells

I was a keen fitness enthusiast. Weight lifting was a large part of my regimen. I tried my first yoga class in 2008 after reading an article in a fitness magazine called stretch for strength. I wanted to improve my Olympic lifts, flexibility and reduce muscle hardening so I began attending one hatha class per week at my local leisure centre.

Little did I know that four years later I would have almost completely swapped the gym for the yoga mat. Like many other people, I started to notice the "feel good" feeling. Not just the physical benefits of a regular yoga practice but also the more subtle (and not at first obvious) improvements to my health, well being and sense of self worth. These are just a few of the many beneficial aspects which have fed my interest and love for yoga ever since. So much so that I began my journey of becoming a teacher in November 2013 with the British Wheel of Yoga. My goal is not only to deepen my own understanding, but more importantly to help others facilitate their own "feel good" feeling.

Find out more about Gemma here.

Julie Davies

Julie's Class Schedule:


Fridays @ 13.00 Yoga Flow Open


From a very young age I have found solace and enjoyment in physical activity.  For most of my younger life this need was met by high impact aerobic type exercise and many gym memberships. I came to yoga in my late thirties when I found an amazing teacher and over time have developed an abiding love of the practice.

I discovered through the regular practice of yoga a strength and agility of body and mind that had been elusive.  As the years have passed I have been inspired to share the practice of yoga by the many excellent teachers I have had the pleasure to work with.

My personal style is eclectic.  Some days I need a highly energetic and dynamic yoga and will look to a strong flow practice.  On other days I find joy in a gentler approach. My desire to teach arose spontaneously from the pleasure I found in my personal practice and my wish to share this with others.  My teaching style therefore aims, as far as possible,  to be specific to the students on any given day.

Find out more about Julie here.

Get to know Camyoga Student, Jessica Ashby

Get to Know Camyogi: Jessica Ashby


Name: Jessica Ashby

Age:  21

Occupation: Unemployed

What brought you to yoga?

A friend suggested I tired yoga as a way to deal with stress and just improve my general wellbeing.  My previous job meant that I was always stressed, exhausted and had left me with little motivation to do anything.  I could never have anticipated the positive impact that coming to yoga would have on my life.  It has given a real sense of self-worth, as well as the courage to make some drastic changes to my lifestyle.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

Anything creative! I’m always drawing and I try to carry my camera with me everywhere.  I enjoy travelling and meeting new people, but I also spend a lot of time with my family.

What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

I don’t think I’ve been coming to yoga long enough to have a favourite pose but I enjoy most of the standing balances I have tried so far.  I feel like they really connect my mind and body.  If I begin to wobble it’s usually because my mind has started to wander.  As soon as I bring complete focus back to the pose I see a real improvement.

What is your least favourite yoga pose and why?

Equally, I don’t think I have a least favourite pose although I do find poses like Dolphin Plank (not sure if that’s the correct name) very challenging.  I definitely need to work on strengthening my core!

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life?

Not to compare myself to others.  I have often judged myself and my abilities against the success of others, and for me that usually induces feelings of resentment and inadequacy.  It became clear to me from my first yoga lesson that yoga is about finding what is right for you, and that principle can be applied to any aspect of life.  There is no point looking to the person on the mat next to you and thinking ‘I wish I was that flexible and strong.’  Equally there is no point in looking to your next door neighbour and thinking ‘I wish I had a big house and an expensive car.’  It is far more productive to focus your energy into being the best version of yourself that you can be, whether that is on the mat or just going about your daily life.

An interesting fact about Jessica that you may not know is… I have a terrible fear of flying!

Yoga for Beginners

Open Yoga


Day Retreats

But I am Too Stiff for Yoga

Are you considering Yoga but not sure yet if it is for you?  There must be scope for a t-shirt with this statement on the front and on the back answering ‘This Makes you Perfect for Yoga!’’ Some-one considering  Yoga might be concerned  they would not fit in a class of nimble adepts and in a worst case scenario they imagine it would be more like an audition for Cirque du Soleil.  In reality there is a very wide range of people that practise Yoga and in class the teacher will help you to focus on your own practise so that you very quickly forget what is going on around you.  If you are starting out a beginners course and then a basics class is a great place to start. Every pose has an accessible version and the teacher will offer modifications and props and ways of building up. After the course try out a number of different classes and teachers to find one that works for you. The key is to ask yourself  did you feel better after the session than before? Yoga is for every one and Every Body.

Beginners Courses and Classes that you can attend:

Yoga for Beginners

Ashtanga for Beginners

Yoga Basics

Say yes to Bikram Yoga!

Our Hot Studio Bikram Yoga has certainly become popular in the past few years within the UK. It’s popularity can be put down to the fact that one class of 90 mins combines the benefits of an intense body detoxication, increase in vitality and the ability to reduce stress. But be prepared - you will sweat through all layers of your clothing (including your underwear), thus bringing a change of clothes with you is a must! :)

The Hot Yoga offered at our centre is, as well as Bikram Choudhury’s practice, performed in a hot room of 35-38 degrees Celsius and has exactly the same effects and benefits. Unlike Bikram’s practice, Hot Yoga is not limited to the strict style of 26 postures but can include more flowing, vinyasa based practices or integrate challenging pilates postures.

Our Hot Yoga timetable brings you all of the mentioned styles and we’re even looking into introducing more types of Hot Yoga in the future.

See you soon,

The Camyoga team

Where it all comes together: the Yoga show

Camyoga will participate in this years’ yoga extravaganza, the annual OM Yoga Show. The event will take place in London, October 26, 27, 28 and will be full of  hundreds of workshops and classes, including Camyoga teacher Andrea Kwiatkowski.

While a what’s on section fills a book, which you can have a look at the studio,  the yogashow is there to expand your practice. You can take a class on killer arm balances, hot power yoga or deepen your understanding of both postures and spirituality.

Of course, if you feel overwhelmed by all that’s new or want to share your latest yoga adventures with some familiar faces, you can find the Camyoga stand behind the Juice Bar.

Prices start at £8 if you buy online (www., but you can purchase tickets at the door as well

See you there !


More Pregnancy and Baby Yoga classes available now!

We are now introducing a new Pregnancy and Baby Yoga Timetable both for our Cambridge Central and for our Great Shelford locations. And to celebrate with you and to create a community we are offering free tea and cake for all those attending any of the following classes in September.

Cambridge Central:

Tuesday       11.30-12.45 Baby Yoga

Wednesday 11.30-12.45 Pregnancy Yoga

Thursday     11.30-12.45 Baby Yoga

Great Shelford:

Monday       11.30-12.45 Baby Yoga

Tuesday       11.30-12.45 Pregnancy Yoga

Thursday     18.30-19.45 Pregnancy Yoga

See you there,
