Posts tagged joy
Get to know Camyoga Teacher, Rachael Moore

Get to Know Camyoga Teacher: Rachael Moore

Rachael Moore

Name: Rachael

Age:  38

Occupation: Mum and yoga teacher

What brought you to yoga?

As with many people, I first came to yoga as many people do, to help combat 'stress' as a result of my job. I worked as a speech and language therapist for children with profound medical and learning difficulties and although hugely rewarding, it was also at times highly emotional and stressful. Yoga helped me find a way to deal with the challenges I faced in a calm and grounded manner, reacting to situations in a more balanced way.

As a teacher what is Yoga about and not about?

Oooh how long have you got!!!! It is probably easier for me to say what I personally think it is not. Yoga is not about being the best in the room, yoga is not about being competetive (even with yourself), yoga is not always the glossy images you see in the magazines, practising yoga, does not  mean that you no longer experience hardship or tough times (unfortunately). The practice of yoga is far greater and deeper than all of that. Yoga gives you the tools for everyday living, it helps you on every level of your being. Yoga releases your tired stiff body from sitting at a desk all day helping you re-find that childhood softness and agility. In helping you re-claim physical flexibility, this flexibilty then leads to greater flexibility in the mind and how we react to life situations off the matt. It leads you towards a truer more honest you! Wherever you are in your life, yoga can be there for you . It can transform the body physically, energeticly and emotionally. It can energize, detox, heal and nourish you . It can be a soft landing when you fall.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

Being mum to my three gorgeous daughters and being taken for a walk by my two huge labradoodles Molly and Floss! What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

Wow! It's almost impossible to choose one as depending where I am on any particular day will determine my favourite pose!. Generally though, I absolutely love and standing balance, especially Natarajasana for its openness and grace and Garudasana for that beautiful feeling of opening up the shoulders.

What is your least favourite yoga pose and why?

I know it sounds cheesy and a bit of a cop out, but I really don't have a least favourite pose. If pushed though, I probably shy away from strong core work a little more readily than I should do!

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life? Patience

An interesting fact about Rachel that you may not know is:

I used to do synchronized swimming as a teenager!!

To book into Rachel's classes click on link


Get to know Camyoga Student, Jessica Ashby

Get to Know Camyogi: Jessica Ashby


Name: Jessica Ashby

Age:  21

Occupation: Unemployed

What brought you to yoga?

A friend suggested I tired yoga as a way to deal with stress and just improve my general wellbeing.  My previous job meant that I was always stressed, exhausted and had left me with little motivation to do anything.  I could never have anticipated the positive impact that coming to yoga would have on my life.  It has given a real sense of self-worth, as well as the courage to make some drastic changes to my lifestyle.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

Anything creative! I’m always drawing and I try to carry my camera with me everywhere.  I enjoy travelling and meeting new people, but I also spend a lot of time with my family.

What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

I don’t think I’ve been coming to yoga long enough to have a favourite pose but I enjoy most of the standing balances I have tried so far.  I feel like they really connect my mind and body.  If I begin to wobble it’s usually because my mind has started to wander.  As soon as I bring complete focus back to the pose I see a real improvement.

What is your least favourite yoga pose and why?

Equally, I don’t think I have a least favourite pose although I do find poses like Dolphin Plank (not sure if that’s the correct name) very challenging.  I definitely need to work on strengthening my core!

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life?

Not to compare myself to others.  I have often judged myself and my abilities against the success of others, and for me that usually induces feelings of resentment and inadequacy.  It became clear to me from my first yoga lesson that yoga is about finding what is right for you, and that principle can be applied to any aspect of life.  There is no point looking to the person on the mat next to you and thinking ‘I wish I was that flexible and strong.’  Equally there is no point in looking to your next door neighbour and thinking ‘I wish I had a big house and an expensive car.’  It is far more productive to focus your energy into being the best version of yourself that you can be, whether that is on the mat or just going about your daily life.

An interesting fact about Jessica that you may not know is… I have a terrible fear of flying!

Yoga for Beginners

Open Yoga


Day Retreats

Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Take it to the next level! Join our teacher training!

Have you been thinking about taking your practice to the next level and becoming a yoga teacher? You will be pleased to know that our Yoga teacher training and Foundation courses still have a couple of places left.
Louise Lloyd, whom we are sure we don't have to introduce, is excited to meet you and your fellow yogis during training sessions:
"I am really looking forward to starting this year's TT and FC - always fun to see inspired students working and learning together. It is so great to watch the FC students delve deeper into their yogic experience and also seeing the next generation of teachers evolving throughout the TT course."
Those hesitant because they feel they are not quite "there" yet may be relieved to know that Yoga training, like yoga is about more than just flexibility and strength.
We caught Berverley Nolan in the cafe during her two day Pregnancy Yoga teacher training course, who made it clear that its not all about those very impressive poses you see in magazines:
"it is not about your ability to do crazy asana, but about your commitment to your practice and being part of a supportive student group. It is an holistic learning experience which prepares you to guide others."
So do you have the passion to take it to the next level and share the experience and joy of yoga with the world?
Talk to us about signing up !
See you soon
World Class Ashtanga Teachers Coming to Camyoga

Camyoga has an exciting year looking forward as we are hosting some of the world's best

ashtanga teachers.  Nancy Gilgoff, John Scott, and David Swenson will all be joining us in 2012.  These teachers are not to be missed. All three have long histories of study with the late Patthabi Jois. Gilgoff and Swenson are both largely responsible for spreading ashtanga to the west during the 1970's.

Nancy Gilgoffwill be here June 23 and 24 for Intensive

ashtanga workshops.  She travels all the way from Maui.   John Scott  joins us September 7 - 9 to bring us inward to a transformative practice.  David Swensonreturns to Camyoga November 28 for a fun-filled exploration of yoga.

Don't miss the chance to study and learn from these fabulous teachers and practitioners. You can find both led and mysore style ashtanga classes on the Camyoga schedule to guide you through the primary series.  We are aslo pleased to welcome Gunveer Muhandru as our newest ashtanga teacher.

"Practice and all is coming" ~Sri. K. Patthabi Jois

Yoga Stops Traffic Videos

Yoga Stops Traffic Videos

Did you miss the global event, Yoga Stops Traffic?  Take a peak at the Camyoga students doing their part in 108 sun salutations.  We raised money for the charity, Odanadi Seva Trust in an effort to stop human trafficking in India.  Thank you to all who donated money, time, and sweat.


Yoga Stops Traffick Tomorrow!

Help us put an end to human trafficking in India with the global event, Yoga Stops Traffick.  All monies donated go to the Obanadi Seva Trust. Camyoga is one of many studios around world that will be partaking in this event.  Unroll your mat and join in 108 sun salutations to raise money and awareness. The event kicks off at 2pm and you can join in or just come and watch or donate.  All are welcome. Check out some pictures of the preparations in Mysore.  The salutations will be led by Obanadi residents at the Mysore Palace:

Art Exhibition with Camyoga Student, Susi Watson

Camyoga is excited to be hosting an art exhibition by Susi Watson launching Saturday April 17 from 19:00 - 21:00 and lasting till April 24. In this art series, Remembering What We Know, Susi explores questions and insights that she has encountered over the past year, during her transition from America to the UK and her practice at CamYoga. 'Remembering what you know' is all about transformation, embracing change and following your dreams.

Many of us in Cambridge can relate to the transition of moving to a new place and taking up life in new surroundings. Camyoga itself has become a hub for transformation  and exploration into deeper self-knowledge.

The series is an opportunity for us to reflect on questions and images, in the hope that it may: - ignite an intention during practice - encourage nourishing conversation - inspire us to visualize our own questions, answers or ideas - further our own practice, whatever our passion may be.

Find out more about Susi at her website

Get To Know Camyoga Student: Rebecca Meyers

Name:  Rebecca Myers

Age: 45

Occupation: Academic (Science)

What brought you to yoga?

It’s not so much what brought me to yoga, it’s who – six months ago a dear friend (and impressive yogini) brought me along one day. I had never envisaged myself and yoga in the same room before – not being one for enjoying exercise classes of any sort. My yoga expectation was all about a cold dusty hall, twisting my stiff old-self into knots and spending the rest of the week aching ... I was so wrong! In a very unfocused, procrastinating sort of way I was indeed looking for ways to improve my general fitness, flexibility and all-round joie-de-vivre, but they’d been on my rediscovery list for some years. So ... yoga eh? What the heck, I’d nothing to lose! What I wasn’t prepared for was the impact it would have on me from day one. I had never done any yoga before coming to Camyoga and my first class was Hot Yoga – I was a convert. I try to make as many as five classes a week now and in the last few weeks I’ve also begun to dip/pull my toe into Ashtanga. As they say – it’s all about the journey.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

I work (in a research environment for the University), I eat and I sleep. I do squeeze in some travel and quite a few fun things too – but my average week comprises just that.

What is your favorite yoga pose and why?

This is a hard question. There a quite a few poses I enjoy a lot as each one has different gifts. I like Trikonasana (triangle pose and its variants) as it is a good all-round full-body stretch and balance and I just like the way it feels. With poses I find more challenging (and there are loads!) such as Standing Head to Knee (Dandayamana-janushirasana) I get a real sense of achievement, especially on days when I can do it – or do it just a little better than the last class.

What is your least favorite yoga pose and why?

There are more than several poses that would fall under this category at this stage of my practice – for pure physical effort it most definitely has to be Chaturanga (the sort of half-press up). The other pose (for comedy value and personal highlight of my Hot Yoga class) is Rabbit – which opens up a whole new angle on self-administered water-boarding.

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life?

I have reassessed a lot of how I approach life – it’s not been deep navel-gazing as such – I’ve simply created space for the (rediscovered) joie-de-vivre that seems to have emerged from my regular practice. I have neither felt fitter nor more flexible since I was in my teens, I’ve lost weight in the order of double-digits, and my diet has naturally evolved into one that is far healthier and sustains me better. I wouldn’t have had this opportunity had Camyoga and its great atmosphere and teachers not been on my doorstep. It’s a home from home.

An interesting fact about Rebecca that you may not know is…

There are rather a lot of interesting facts about me, most are classified and none of which are publishable! I am, however, a big cat lover – I have four of them. My special joy is a huge Maine Coon called ‘Cody’ who I swear is a dog-in-a-cat-suit.

Insabina Retreat: Book Now for £100 Off

It is not too soon to be thinking about longer days, the relief of warmer weather, and summer holidays. In Sabina yoga retreats are just around the corner. For a limited time we are offering  £100 Off either week. You can join Louise Lloyd and Mark Stevens in week one, or Howard Daly and Pilar Carrillo in week 2. Dates are: July 28, 2012 - August 11,  2012 This retreat is an all inclusive life changing week at one of the most gorgeous retreat centres in the world. A mix of Yoga, breath work, therapies and meditation.

Everything at In Sabina is perfectly arranged with taste and style and with yoga in mind. There are seven acres of lush grounds comprising a natural spring, gardens, pond and swimming pool amidst a tranquil and rustic setting. The surrounding area is unspoilt farmland, and the house and grounds are peaceful and quiet. There are two yoga spaces for yoga and meditation, an indoor yoga studio, and a magnificent 15 x 10 metre architect designed covered outdoor wooden platform, which sits in the valley surrounding by verdant unspoilt nature. The food is a highlight of the holiday, three meals a day of beautiful vegetarian food in abundance prepared by a specialist vegetarian chef. All adding up to the perfect environment for a yoga holiday.

Why not take a look at a video clip of Louise Lloyd teaching in In Sabina last year?

Families are welcome and for more info and booking click here

Donation Day Raised Over £1000!

Our first donation day of 2012 was a huge success.  We raised more money than we ever have before to give to our charities. Thank you to everyone who came out and gave generously.  We hope you enjoyed the full day of fantastic classes all by Camyoga teachers donating their time.  The day finished with a fantastic satsang with Mark Stevens.

All the money you gave is going directly to Camfed, Arthur Rank Hospice, and Freedom from Fistula.

Did you try the cupcakes?



Camyoga Announces Donation Day Third Charity: Camfed

The First Donation Day for 2012 is coming up soon.  Right after the new year we will have a full day of classes all by donation.  Mark your calendar for this event on January 7.  We had posted our first two charities: Circus Starr and Freedom for Fistula.  We sought your input for our third charity.  With your suggestions we decided on Camfed. Camfed's Mission:

"Camfed fights poverty and HIV/AIDS in Africa by educating girls and empowering women to become leaders of change. Our goal: To improve the lives of two million children by 2013."

Thank you all for your suggestions and we look forward to seeing you at our donation day!

First Donation Day of 2012 at Camyoga

We have just put our next donation day schedule together for the new year.  Please join us on January 7th 2012 for a full day of classes all on a donation basis.  All monies will be given to charity.  This day's donations will be going to Circus Starr (Arthur Rank Hospice) and Freedom for Fistula, as well as one more charity which we haven't chosen yet.  What are your thoughts for the third charity?  We would love to hear. Check out the full day of classes!

Studio 1

10am – Beginners Flow – Rachael Moore

11.15am - Acro yoga – Howard Daly

12.30pm – Ashtanga Introduction – Emma Lindsay

1.45pm – Yoga open level – Anna Jackson

3pm - Restorative Yoga - Anna Jackson


Studio 2

8.30am – Ashtanga – Howard Daly

10am – Detox Flow – Louise Lloyd

11.15am - Yoga Open Level - Nikki Davies

12.30pm - 1.45pm – Hot Yoga – Jennifer Hersch

2pm - 3.15pm – Hot Yoga - Pilar Carrillo

3.45pm – Jivamukti – Mark Stevens

5pm – Satsang – Mark Stevens

"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."





Compliment Your Health: Therapies and one to ones

Complimentary health is more than what the doctor ordered.  It is about thriving rather than just surviving. The body, mind, and breath link together in such a way that when one is impacted, all are impacted. As you know, yoga is more than just fitness, it is a part of wellness.  At Camyoga we offer therapies and one to ones in several modalities to support your wellbeing.

Shiatsu with Ellie Coats

This massage takes advantage of the bodies pressure points and can be used to alleviate stress, and to heal. Ellie works with many athletes in training, injury, recovery, and rehabilitation.  She also teaches our Yoga for athletes class.

Thai Massage with Howard Daly

Deeply therapeutic and relaxing massage. In thai massage, your body is taken in to yoga-like positions so you get the added benefits of a deep stretch.  Howard also teaches our ashtanga, mysore, pilates, and acro yoga classes.

Transformational Breathing with Louise Palmer

Learn this amazing breath technique to bring about fast and effective transformation in your life. Longtime teacher and yoga practitioner, Louise teaches this life-changing breath technique that you won't find in a yoga class.

Yoga with various teachers

You, your mat, and hands on adjustment. Yoga one to ones are great for those new and experienced in their practice.  Many of our teachers are available for yoga one to one's.

You can book any of these therapies here


Tis the Season for Transformation

Hard to believe, but we are closing in on yet another year end.  The lights are up in Cambridge and holiday tunes can be heard in shops.  As we enter a time of holidays, festivities, and celebrations, we also prepare to take stock of the past year and welcome in a new. Why not take a moment to pause in December and make space for you?

Louise Lloyd is having an Inspired Living day retreat on Saturday the 1oth of December.  A day retreat is an opportunity to take time for yourself.  Yoga, meditation, healthy food, and breath will bring you back to you but also allow you to look inward and see in what ways you are ready to grow. Feel abundant, feel inspired, and feel good.  Let go of the habits that aren't serving you, and close this year ready for the best 2012 possible.

On December 31, the ever popular Andrea Kwiatkowski will be back for a special Jivamukti workshop. What better time to take stock of the past year and look forward with fresh eyes than on new year's eve? This workshop will include some focus on mouna, silence, in a slow and detailed practice.  This two and a half hour workshop of meditation, asana, silence, and self study will transform you, ready to take on the new year.

In February of the new year, back by popular demand, is Alan Dolan's transformational breathing workshops.  These are not to be missed and always sell out.

For all workshops Book here

“‘When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

- Patanjali