Posts tagged health
Electrolytes 5 - Magnesium

Electrolytes 5: Magnesium


Final part of Jozef Wiewel's Electrolytes series!

Magnesium regulates the absorption of calcium and is involved in the structural integrity of bones and teeth. Magnesium regulates the contractility of the heart muscle. It is concentrated 18x greater in the heart muscle than in the bloodstream and is also used for cardiac contractility. Has a role in neuromuscular transmitters and actives vitamin B-complex. High intakes of calcium, vitamin D, and protein increase the requirement for magnesium. In short, magnesium is an essential mineral needed in the body to balance the equation with calcium, protein, vitamin D; iron, manganese, copper and iron for energy metabolism.

The principal function of magnesium that is critical in thyroid disease is that it enables muscles to relax. With inadequate magnesium, the muscles cramp.

Foods you will find magnesium in are green vegetables such as spinach which are good sources because the center of the chlorophyll molecule (which gives green vegetables their color) contains magnesium. Some beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and whole, unrefined grains are also good sources of magnesium.

You should note that refined grains are generally low in magnesium. When white flour is processed, the magnesium rich germ and bran are removed. Bread made from whole grain wheat flour provides more magnesium than bread made from white refined flour. Tap water can be a source of magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply. Water that naturally contains more minerals is described as "hard". "Hard" water usually contains more magnesium than "soft" water.

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Get to know Camyoga Teacher, Rachael Moore

Get to Know Camyoga Teacher: Rachael Moore

Rachael Moore

Name: Rachael

Age:  38

Occupation: Mum and yoga teacher

What brought you to yoga?

As with many people, I first came to yoga as many people do, to help combat 'stress' as a result of my job. I worked as a speech and language therapist for children with profound medical and learning difficulties and although hugely rewarding, it was also at times highly emotional and stressful. Yoga helped me find a way to deal with the challenges I faced in a calm and grounded manner, reacting to situations in a more balanced way.

As a teacher what is Yoga about and not about?

Oooh how long have you got!!!! It is probably easier for me to say what I personally think it is not. Yoga is not about being the best in the room, yoga is not about being competetive (even with yourself), yoga is not always the glossy images you see in the magazines, practising yoga, does not  mean that you no longer experience hardship or tough times (unfortunately). The practice of yoga is far greater and deeper than all of that. Yoga gives you the tools for everyday living, it helps you on every level of your being. Yoga releases your tired stiff body from sitting at a desk all day helping you re-find that childhood softness and agility. In helping you re-claim physical flexibility, this flexibilty then leads to greater flexibility in the mind and how we react to life situations off the matt. It leads you towards a truer more honest you! Wherever you are in your life, yoga can be there for you . It can transform the body physically, energeticly and emotionally. It can energize, detox, heal and nourish you . It can be a soft landing when you fall.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

Being mum to my three gorgeous daughters and being taken for a walk by my two huge labradoodles Molly and Floss! What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

Wow! It's almost impossible to choose one as depending where I am on any particular day will determine my favourite pose!. Generally though, I absolutely love and standing balance, especially Natarajasana for its openness and grace and Garudasana for that beautiful feeling of opening up the shoulders.

What is your least favourite yoga pose and why?

I know it sounds cheesy and a bit of a cop out, but I really don't have a least favourite pose. If pushed though, I probably shy away from strong core work a little more readily than I should do!

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life? Patience

An interesting fact about Rachel that you may not know is:

I used to do synchronized swimming as a teenager!!

To book into Rachel's classes click on link


Being Your Biggest Self

Being Your Biggest Self

100ft wave

What are you like when you are your most expansive? Courageous, creative, playful, funny, considered, patient, adventurous?  What are you like to be around when you are your smallest?.......

Here are two examples of folk being their most expansive and living their best lives:

On the 28th January 2013 Garrett McNamara was on holiday in Portugal. He looked out of his window and the weather was awful and he knew it was going to be a great day.... His two friends jet skied him out to sea so that he could surf an incredible 100 ft wave. Fishermen from the town had abandoned the sea as weather as it was too rough, for him it was a chance to be his biggest self....To see this incredible achievement click here

Arthur Boorman had been a paratrooper in the Gulf War and too many jumps had left him wearing back and knee braces. For 15 years he was told this is it and he accepted it. Then he found a yoga teacher who did not know him but believed in him and he then believed in his biggest self........Be your biggest self, whatever it takes.



Thank you to Pilar and Simone for sharing this inspiring clip:  Click here to see Arthur overcome 15 years of disability

Inspiring workshops at Camyoga

Get to know Camyoga Student, Ellie Carter

Get to Know Camyogi: Ellie Carter

Blog Ellie

Name: Ellie Carter

Age: 34

Occupation: Anaesthetist

What brought you to yoga? A hamstring injury from running - I realised that working on my flexibility might be a good idea!

What do you do when you are not working? When I'm not working, I like doing slightly crazy endurance sport events. Last year I did an Ironman triathlon and this year I'll be attempting a cross-country ski marathon.

What is your favourite yoga pose and why? I like balance poses  because of the focus required and the satisfaction if/when you manage not to fall over.

What is your least favourite yoga pose and why? Supta Vajrasana - my  quads are far too tight from running & cycling to make this pose comfortable.

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life? Learning that it can be good to incorporate a bit of stillness and quiet into my busy life!

An interesting fact about Ellie that you may not know is… I appear in my bikini in the Rough Guide to eco travel....not the most flattering shot but there is a nice Finnish lake in the background!

Benefits of Pregnancy and Baby Yoga

Pregnancy and Baby YogaIt is noticeable that women these days take great care of their bodies and in result, more and more women are looking for some sort of exercise during their pregnancy. Pregnancy Yoga as well as Baby Yoga have great impact not only on your fitness but it also brings other benefits to the mother as well as to the child. According to Norwegian study, hold in July 2012, women that take on some sort of exercise during the pregnancy are less likely to report pelvic girdle pain, low back pain and depression. Those who do Yoga during their pregnancy will also experience a great sense of well being, enhance their bonding with their child and will be able to approach birth more calmly and confidently.

Benefits of Baby Yoga are no less significant. Not only you’ll be able to enjoy ‘time out’ with your baby and gain better confidence in handling your baby, but Baby Yoga also plays an important role in child's own body awareness and thus faster physical development. Dr. Teri McCambridge, division director of sports medicine at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center said: “Having a child spend time on its tummy will improve upper body and neck strength so, the fact that parents are taking timeout of their day to put their baby in different position, will over time increase strength and development.’

As well as aiding your baby’s development, baby Yoga classes aim to strengthen and revitalize new mothers with gentle postnatal exercise integrated into the class.

If you'd like to experience the benefits of either Pregnancy or Baby Yoga yourself then come to any of our classes in Central Cambridge or Great Shelford Studio.

Pregnancy Yoga:

Tuesday 11.30-12.45 Great Shelford (Starting 5th November 2012)

Wednesday 11.30-12.45 Cambridge Central

Thursday 18.30-19.45 Great Shelford

We recommend that you start early in the pregnancy, 12-14 weeks being an ideal time, but starting later in pregnancy is better than not starting at all.

Baby Yoga:

Monday 11.30-12.45 Great Shelford (Starting 5th November 2012)

Tuesday 11.30-12.45 Cambridge Central


Check out more information on our teachers and have a look on our timetable online.

The study is published online in British Journal of Sports Medicine. 

Favourite poses by Elma: the warriors

Warrior Pose These classic poses are the stable in any self-practice or class and are great to do every day. They work so well at the start of a practice because they get the whole body activated and the mind engaged. The three classic warriors and their many variations are great to start your standing asanas, great the morning or salute the end of the day.

The warrior poses are powerful postures, in Indian mythology. They recreate the deadly family quarrel in which Shiva’s wife Sati bursts into flames and dies when she renounces her family name and her husband avenges her death by creating a warrior to decapitate her father. Obviously these sorts of scenarios are not part of what we have to face in modern life but they tell us about the power of love humility and ego.  Following these postures, especially in sequence, works your arms, stabilises your balance and simultaneously stretches and engages your leg muscles.


These are the favourite poses by our lovely receptionist Elma. And what are your favourite Yoga Poses?

See you soon,

The Camyoga Team

Win a 30 Day Unlimited Pass for Our New Shelford Studio!

Hot news, our Great Shelford studio will open on Friday 19th October! In celebration of the new opening, we are giving away three 30 day unlimited passes for the Shelford studio. There are 16 classes a week to choose from, in every style from beginners to Jivamukti.

This competition was also featured on Star radio today. Competition closes on Sun 9th Oct at midnight.

All you need to do is answer this very simple question: Where does yoga originate from? Is it: a. Africa b. India c. Russia

Please email your answer along with your name and phone number to: And you could win 30 days of free yoga!

Where it all comes together: the Yoga show

Camyoga will participate in this years’ yoga extravaganza, the annual OM Yoga Show. The event will take place in London, October 26, 27, 28 and will be full of  hundreds of workshops and classes, including Camyoga teacher Andrea Kwiatkowski.

While a what’s on section fills a book, which you can have a look at the studio,  the yogashow is there to expand your practice. You can take a class on killer arm balances, hot power yoga or deepen your understanding of both postures and spirituality.

Of course, if you feel overwhelmed by all that’s new or want to share your latest yoga adventures with some familiar faces, you can find the Camyoga stand behind the Juice Bar.

Prices start at £8 if you buy online (www., but you can purchase tickets at the door as well

See you there !


Get To Know Camyoga Student: Rebecca Meyers

Name:  Rebecca Myers

Age: 45

Occupation: Academic (Science)

What brought you to yoga?

It’s not so much what brought me to yoga, it’s who – six months ago a dear friend (and impressive yogini) brought me along one day. I had never envisaged myself and yoga in the same room before – not being one for enjoying exercise classes of any sort. My yoga expectation was all about a cold dusty hall, twisting my stiff old-self into knots and spending the rest of the week aching ... I was so wrong! In a very unfocused, procrastinating sort of way I was indeed looking for ways to improve my general fitness, flexibility and all-round joie-de-vivre, but they’d been on my rediscovery list for some years. So ... yoga eh? What the heck, I’d nothing to lose! What I wasn’t prepared for was the impact it would have on me from day one. I had never done any yoga before coming to Camyoga and my first class was Hot Yoga – I was a convert. I try to make as many as five classes a week now and in the last few weeks I’ve also begun to dip/pull my toe into Ashtanga. As they say – it’s all about the journey.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

I work (in a research environment for the University), I eat and I sleep. I do squeeze in some travel and quite a few fun things too – but my average week comprises just that.

What is your favorite yoga pose and why?

This is a hard question. There a quite a few poses I enjoy a lot as each one has different gifts. I like Trikonasana (triangle pose and its variants) as it is a good all-round full-body stretch and balance and I just like the way it feels. With poses I find more challenging (and there are loads!) such as Standing Head to Knee (Dandayamana-janushirasana) I get a real sense of achievement, especially on days when I can do it – or do it just a little better than the last class.

What is your least favorite yoga pose and why?

There are more than several poses that would fall under this category at this stage of my practice – for pure physical effort it most definitely has to be Chaturanga (the sort of half-press up). The other pose (for comedy value and personal highlight of my Hot Yoga class) is Rabbit – which opens up a whole new angle on self-administered water-boarding.

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life?

I have reassessed a lot of how I approach life – it’s not been deep navel-gazing as such – I’ve simply created space for the (rediscovered) joie-de-vivre that seems to have emerged from my regular practice. I have neither felt fitter nor more flexible since I was in my teens, I’ve lost weight in the order of double-digits, and my diet has naturally evolved into one that is far healthier and sustains me better. I wouldn’t have had this opportunity had Camyoga and its great atmosphere and teachers not been on my doorstep. It’s a home from home.

An interesting fact about Rebecca that you may not know is…

There are rather a lot of interesting facts about me, most are classified and none of which are publishable! I am, however, a big cat lover – I have four of them. My special joy is a huge Maine Coon called ‘Cody’ who I swear is a dog-in-a-cat-suit.

Insabina Retreat: Book Now for £100 Off

It is not too soon to be thinking about longer days, the relief of warmer weather, and summer holidays. In Sabina yoga retreats are just around the corner. For a limited time we are offering  £100 Off either week. You can join Louise Lloyd and Mark Stevens in week one, or Howard Daly and Pilar Carrillo in week 2. Dates are: July 28, 2012 - August 11,  2012 This retreat is an all inclusive life changing week at one of the most gorgeous retreat centres in the world. A mix of Yoga, breath work, therapies and meditation.

Everything at In Sabina is perfectly arranged with taste and style and with yoga in mind. There are seven acres of lush grounds comprising a natural spring, gardens, pond and swimming pool amidst a tranquil and rustic setting. The surrounding area is unspoilt farmland, and the house and grounds are peaceful and quiet. There are two yoga spaces for yoga and meditation, an indoor yoga studio, and a magnificent 15 x 10 metre architect designed covered outdoor wooden platform, which sits in the valley surrounding by verdant unspoilt nature. The food is a highlight of the holiday, three meals a day of beautiful vegetarian food in abundance prepared by a specialist vegetarian chef. All adding up to the perfect environment for a yoga holiday.

Why not take a look at a video clip of Louise Lloyd teaching in In Sabina last year?

Families are welcome and for more info and booking click here

New Juices and Smoothies: Amazing Maca and More

Camyoga's Dandelion Cafe has unveiled there 2012 menu with a whole new array of juices and smoothies. You will recognize some familiar favorite's such as heart-beet juice (beetroot, apple and ginger) and Pilar's detox juice (apple,cucumber, mint, and ginger). But you might not be expecting the Green Gremlin (mixed berries, banana, and organic spirulina) or the Breakfast Booster (banana, strawberry, organic maca, and hemp protein), two new smoothies.  I had the breakfast booster twice last week and felt great in the mornings.  Maybe it's the maca? Maca is a Peruvian root vegetable that packs a punch of energy and nutrients.

You can now pep up any of your juices and smoothies with a boost: Echinacea or Ginseng for 50p & wheat grass, spirulina, hemp protein, maca, omega oils, or superfood for £1

There are many new juices and smoothies to choose from, check out the full menu in Camyoga's dandelion cafe. All smoothies are made with low fat cocunt milk and agave syrup. Here are just a few:


Allergy fighter: apple, pear, & melon

Immune booster: grapefruit, orange, ginger, & liquid echinacea

Kidney cleanser: apple, & melon

Energiser: carrot, apple, ginger


Tropical: banana, mango, & a dash of lime

Summer Banana: strawberry & banana

You can always get creative and make your own!

And in case you didn't know the entire month of January our wheat grass shots are only £1.50 and fresh juices £3


Compliment Your Health: Therapies and one to ones

Complimentary health is more than what the doctor ordered.  It is about thriving rather than just surviving. The body, mind, and breath link together in such a way that when one is impacted, all are impacted. As you know, yoga is more than just fitness, it is a part of wellness.  At Camyoga we offer therapies and one to ones in several modalities to support your wellbeing.

Shiatsu with Ellie Coats

This massage takes advantage of the bodies pressure points and can be used to alleviate stress, and to heal. Ellie works with many athletes in training, injury, recovery, and rehabilitation.  She also teaches our Yoga for athletes class.

Thai Massage with Howard Daly

Deeply therapeutic and relaxing massage. In thai massage, your body is taken in to yoga-like positions so you get the added benefits of a deep stretch.  Howard also teaches our ashtanga, mysore, pilates, and acro yoga classes.

Transformational Breathing with Louise Palmer

Learn this amazing breath technique to bring about fast and effective transformation in your life. Longtime teacher and yoga practitioner, Louise teaches this life-changing breath technique that you won't find in a yoga class.

Yoga with various teachers

You, your mat, and hands on adjustment. Yoga one to ones are great for those new and experienced in their practice.  Many of our teachers are available for yoga one to one's.

You can book any of these therapies here


Music to Your Mouth

Camyoga is happy to welcome Sam from Mouth Music Catering.  She has been whipping up vegetarian delicacies for the Cambridge area and now we get a bite of the action. Sam's catering is contemporary, fresh, and imaginative, not to mention delicious.

"We'd like first to dispel a pervading myth... Vegetarian food is not just about vegetables. Or tofu. Or lentils..."

It's all about the food, but not just how it looks on the plate.  It's about how and where it was grown, the packaging, and how it gets to your plate.  Mouth Music Catering is a business with the big picture in mind. And here at Camyoga we like to support mindful practices.

We hope you will stop into our cafe, or stay after class, and take time to enjoy food that was made with care and love.  We are always serving our Illy coffee, yogi teas, and fresh juices as well. om nom nom...

Transformational Breathing

The transformational breathing workshops with Alan Dolan continue to be a sellout success.  If you missed out this time around join us Sunday October 2 for his next workshop.  Book here.  Watch the brief video below for a little more info on this life-changing breath technique. Transformational breathing offers the potential for rapid healing and a transformation of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

Are you ready for more?

Camyoga is now offering the  Transformational Breathing Personal Development Programme with Alan Dolan and Angela Leake.  This program is open to all.  Should you choose, it is also the first stage of professional training. Level 1 kicks of February 18, 2012.  Find out more here



Get more out of your swim, bike, run! Welcome, Ellie Coates...

Camyoga welcomes Ellie Coates to the schedule.  She is offering Yoga for athletes Tuesday mornings from 7am to 8am starting July 26th.   Improve performance whether you are a runner, climber, rower, or otherwise.  Amateur and pro alike can find benefit from this new class.  Core stability? yep.  Injury prevention? definitely.
Yoga for Athletes is a strong vinyasa style which focuses on movements essential to those involved in sport. The class is designed to be both hard work, but ultimately fun!
And for post-sport bliss, or therapeutics?  Try Ellie's Shiatsu clinic on Thursdays. Think thai yoga massage, reiki, and accupuncture all rolled into one..


Get to Know Camyoga Member, Stephen Green

Name:  Steve Green

Age: 54

Occupation: Accountant for 30 years up to February this year.  Currently using a rather generous redundancy package to have a year (or two) of yoga.


What brought you to yoga?

The after effects of surgery to remove a prolapsed disc from my lower back.  I pretty much tried everything and Alexander Technique started me on a long term fascination with all forms of somatics – Feldenkrais, and Chi Gung in particular.

I stumbled across Camyoga on the internet a month after being made redundant having just been accepted to do a Chi Gung teacher training course in London.   My chiropractor had advised that my scoliosis would become more debilitating if I persisted with office work and I was totally disenchanted with corporate life.  Since April, I have been to over fifty classes as Camyoga.  I cannot remember my back feeling as free as it does now.  It is not always a pleasant process releasing chronic tensions – ‘stuff comes up’, but the rewards are enormous.    The teachers at Camyoga, and I think I have tried most of them, are all excellent and I feel very fortunate to have found such an inspiring school of yoga so close to home.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

Cycling, canoeing, and walking, mostly in the company of my two daughters, Zoe and Eleni.


What is your favorite yoga pose and why?

Turtle / tortoise – it’s hugely calming and keeps you really closely connected to the breath.  Iyengar says it’s a sacred pose and I am beginning to understand why.


What is your least favorite yoga pose and why?

Any form of handstand, so far I cannot remotely do it.


What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life?

Being happy for no particular reason.


An interesting fact about Stephen that you may not know is that he was born in the Solomon Islands.



Start Your Morning Right

When breakfast looks this good it's hard to skip the most important meal of the day. Come in early for class or stay late after Mysore.  We are dishing up fresh fruit salads. Have it au naturale or with organic yoghurt, granola, nuts/seeds, and honey or agave. Not a fruit and seeds kind of person?  Try Rachel's special scrambled egg recipe.  Or, feel like a kid again with the tahini on toast loaded with banana and honey.

Don't worry if you're not an early bird, breakfast is available throughout the day.  Check out the menu on the cafe tables for more breakfast items and our selection of teas, illy coffees, and fresh made juices.

Introducing Detox Wednesdays!

We are offering a weekly treat for all you detox loving yogis out there.  This week is the start of Detox Wednesdays.  Enjoy our new Detox Salad or Detox Juice for just £2.50 all day every Wednesday starting June 15 (regular price £3.50). Pop into a morning hot yoga class, an evening detox flow, or start your day right with Mysore.

In the mix:

Cucumber, mint, ginger, apple, and milk thistle.  Leaving you feeling fresh from the inside out. Good for the kidneys, liver, stomach, and colon.

We've been growing a garden right at Camyoga.  Many of the herbs and greenery you eat in our cafe are as locally sourced as it gets.

Simple and cleansing.

In the mix:

fresh greens and herbs, served with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, fennel, crushed chilis, and s&p.

Post yoga perfection.


Soup, simply satisfying.

Coconut milk makes this broccoli soup a creamy delight without feeling heavy.  The Dandelion Cafe is always whipping up a fresh vegan soup.  Served with wholemeal bread or ciabatta, and a healthy dash of love, our soups satisfy.

Check our board each day to see what's on.