Posts tagged louise lloyd
Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Get to Know Camyoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer, Louise Lloyd
Louise Lloyd photo

Name: louise lloyd Age: 41 Hometown: cambridge Training Background: BWY Foundation Course with Tara Fraser. BSY teaching diploma. Camyoga teaching diploma. (Distinction Ed.) How long have you practiced yoga? 10 years

One Yoga Philosophy that means a great deal to you and why?

Mmmm hard to choose one, I would say that both satya (truth) and ahimsa (non harm) are both something that we could all spend our entire lives learning. If we all worked on just those two the world would be a far better place.

What brought you to yoga? 

Crazy as it sounds, I used to meditate regularly and around 2002 every time I sat to meditate I just kept getting 'teach yoga.' After quite a bit of resistance, and the fact i didn't even practice asana at that time, I eventually gave in and went to my first yoga class and here I am!

What does teaching on the Foundation and Diploma course mean to you?

I love teaching on these days.  Seeing students deepen their own enquiry into yoga is so inspiring whether they are doing the courses for their own interest or to go on to be amazing teachers.


What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

I love spending time with family and friends - usually involving eating nice food and drinking nice wine. I also love being outside, occasionally running (have entered the cambridge half marathon so better be a bit more regular now!) and I have just come back from skiing which I really loved!

What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

Ardha Chandrasana - I love the feeling of being grounded, centered and open and in this pose I feel all of these and truly expanded beyond the physical body.

What is your least favourite yoga pose and why?

I can honestly say I don't have a least favourite pose - there are loads of poses I can't do myself but I get to enjoy them anyway by seeing students practice them with ease.

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life?

Self enquiry - the more I learn about myself the more I can make better choices to become more loving, open and generous. I try to see my own insecurities in life where I may act from a place of fear rather than love - it is a working progress of course! ;-)

An interesting fact about Louise that you may not know is…

Before yoga I rode horses for a living and hold my HGV driving licence as I used to drive a 40ft horse box to competitions - this skill definitely helps parking in the central centre's carpark!

As well as classes and teaching on the Diploma and Foundation Courses Louise also leads workshops and retreats for Camyoga

Louise's Classes

Diploma Courses

Apply Now For Diploma Course

Foundation Course

Apply Now For Foundation Course



New challenges ahead of us

Extreme Yoga Only 4 days left till the New Year which means it's time to make some New Year's resolutions :). And we wouldn't be proper Yogis if we didn't include resolutions and challenges such as:...eating healthier (or drinking more smoothies for breakfast :)), having more regular Yoga practice, meditate more and think positively or maybe even making the time to do Yoga in unconventional and spectacular places (as long as it's not hazardous to your life :)) - anything that is in some way prosperous to our body and mind and thus will help us to become the happy and healthy person that we all want to be.  Although that many statistics are sceptic when it comes to people achieving their New Year resolutions I believe that we all can overcome the challenges ahead of us and be successful in our efforts. To make sure that we'll have our best chances I decided to select few healthy tips. Let's get a head start this year!

1. Delicious and healthy smoothie to have in the morning:


Blueberry Smoothie

3tbsp water 1 green tea bag 2tbsp honey 1 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 medium banana 3/4 cup of fortified light vanilla soy milk

We offer two big events this January:

DETOX DAY with Louise Lloyd

Louise Lloyd Saturday 12 January 2013, 10-6.30PM Great Shelford £65 including refreshments

A day retreat to detox mind and body on all levels. A powerful boost to your system!


Alan O'Leary

Sunday 13 January 2013, 1-3.45PM Cambridge Central £30

Learn the steps to access these beautiful postures by learning better technique, core stability and upper body strength.

I hope you get inspired by my tips and hope to see you all soon in Camyoga

New challenges ahead of us

Extreme Yoga Only 4 days left till the New Year which means it's time to make some New Year's resolutions :). And we wouldn't be proper Yogis if we didn't include resolutions and challenges such as:...eating healthier (or drinking more smoothies for breakfast :)), having more regular Yoga practice, meditate more and think positively or maybe even making the time to do Yoga in unconventional and spectacular places (as long as it's not hazardous to your life :)) - anything that is in some way prosperous to our body and mind and thus will help us to become the happy and healthy person that we all want to be.  Although that many statistics are sceptic when it comes to people achieving their New Year resolutions I believe that we all can overcome the challenges ahead of us and be successful in our efforts. To make sure that we'll have our best chances I decided to select few healthy tips. Let's get a head start this year!

1. Delicious and healthy smoothie to have in the morning:


Blueberry Smoothie

3tbsp water 1 green tea bag 2tbsp honey 1 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 medium banana 3/4 cup of fortified light vanilla soy milk

We offer two big events this January:

DETOX DAY with Louise Lloyd

Louise Lloyd Saturday 12 January 2013, 10-6.30PM Great Shelford £65 including refreshments

A day retreat to detox mind and body on all levels. A powerful boost to your system!


Alan O'Leary

Sunday 13 January 2013, 1-3.45PM Cambridge Central £30

Learn the steps to access these beautiful postures by learning better technique, core stability and upper body strength.

I hope you get inspired by my tips and hope to see you all soon in Camyoga

New challenges ahead of us

Extreme Yoga Only 4 days left till the New Year which means it's time to make some New Year's resolutions :). And we wouldn't be proper Yogis if we didn't include resolutions and challenges such as:...eating healthier (or drinking more smoothies for breakfast :)), having more regular Yoga practice, meditate more and think positively or maybe even making the time to do Yoga in unconventional and spectacular places (as long as it's not hazardous to your life :)) - anything that is in some way prosperous to our body and mind and thus will help us to become the happy and healthy person that we all want to be.  Although that many statistics are sceptic when it comes to people achieving their New Year resolutions I believe that we all can overcome the challenges ahead of us and be successful in our efforts. To make sure that we'll have our best chances I decided to select few healthy tips. Let's get a head start this year!

1. Delicious and healthy smoothie to have in the morning:


Blueberry Smoothie

3tbsp water 1 green tea bag 2tbsp honey 1 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 medium banana 3/4 cup of fortified light vanilla soy milk

We offer two big events this January:

DETOX DAY with Louise Lloyd

Louise Lloyd Saturday 12 January 2013, 10-6.30PM Great Shelford £65 including refreshments

A day retreat to detox mind and body on all levels. A powerful boost to your system!


Alan O'Leary

Sunday 13 January 2013, 1-3.45PM Cambridge Central £30

Learn the steps to access these beautiful postures by learning better technique, core stability and upper body strength.

I hope you get inspired by my tips and hope to see you all soon in Camyoga

New challenges ahead of us

Extreme Yoga Only 4 days left till the New Year which means it's time to make some New Year's resolutions :). And we wouldn't be proper Yogis if we didn't include resolutions and challenges such as:...eating healthier (or drinking more smoothies for breakfast :)), having more regular Yoga practice, meditate more and think positively or maybe even making the time to do Yoga in unconventional and spectacular places (as long as it's not hazardous to your life :)) - anything that is in some way prosperous to our body and mind and thus will help us to become the happy and healthy person that we all want to be.  Although that many statistics are sceptic when it comes to people achieving their New Year resolutions I believe that we all can overcome the challenges ahead of us and be successful in our efforts. To make sure that we'll have our best chances I decided to select few healthy tips. Let's get a head start this year!

1. Delicious and healthy smoothie to have in the morning:


Blueberry Smoothie

3tbsp water 1 green tea bag 2tbsp honey 1 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 medium banana 3/4 cup of fortified light vanilla soy milk

We offer two big events this January:

DETOX DAY with Louise Lloyd

Louise Lloyd Saturday 12 January 2013, 10-6.30PM Great Shelford £65 including refreshments

A day retreat to detox mind and body on all levels. A powerful boost to your system!


Alan O'Leary

Sunday 13 January 2013, 1-3.45PM Cambridge Central £30

Learn the steps to access these beautiful postures by learning better technique, core stability and upper body strength.

I hope you get inspired by my tips and hope to see you all soon in Camyoga

New challenges ahead of us

Extreme Yoga Only 4 days left till the New Year which means it's time to make some New Year's resolutions :). And we wouldn't be proper Yogis if we didn't include resolutions and challenges such as:...eating healthier (or drinking more smoothies for breakfast :)), having more regular Yoga practice, meditate more and think positively or maybe even making the time to do Yoga in unconventional and spectacular places (as long as it's not hazardous to your life :)) - anything that is in some way prosperous to our body and mind and thus will help us to become the happy and healthy person that we all want to be.  Although that many statistics are sceptic when it comes to people achieving their New Year resolutions I believe that we all can overcome the challenges ahead of us and be successful in our efforts. To make sure that we'll have our best chances I decided to select few healthy tips. Let's get a head start this year!

1. Delicious and healthy smoothie to have in the morning:


Blueberry Smoothie

3tbsp water 1 green tea bag 2tbsp honey 1 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 medium banana 3/4 cup of fortified light vanilla soy milk

We offer two big events this January:

DETOX DAY with Louise Lloyd

Louise Lloyd Saturday 12 January 2013, 10-6.30PM Great Shelford £65 including refreshments

A day retreat to detox mind and body on all levels. A powerful boost to your system!


Alan O'Leary

Sunday 13 January 2013, 1-3.45PM Cambridge Central £30

Learn the steps to access these beautiful postures by learning better technique, core stability and upper body strength.

I hope you get inspired by my tips and hope to see you all soon in Camyoga