Posts tagged transformation
Get to know Camyoga Teacher, Rachael Moore

Get to Know Camyoga Teacher: Rachael Moore

Rachael Moore

Name: Rachael

Age:  38

Occupation: Mum and yoga teacher

What brought you to yoga?

As with many people, I first came to yoga as many people do, to help combat 'stress' as a result of my job. I worked as a speech and language therapist for children with profound medical and learning difficulties and although hugely rewarding, it was also at times highly emotional and stressful. Yoga helped me find a way to deal with the challenges I faced in a calm and grounded manner, reacting to situations in a more balanced way.

As a teacher what is Yoga about and not about?

Oooh how long have you got!!!! It is probably easier for me to say what I personally think it is not. Yoga is not about being the best in the room, yoga is not about being competetive (even with yourself), yoga is not always the glossy images you see in the magazines, practising yoga, does not  mean that you no longer experience hardship or tough times (unfortunately). The practice of yoga is far greater and deeper than all of that. Yoga gives you the tools for everyday living, it helps you on every level of your being. Yoga releases your tired stiff body from sitting at a desk all day helping you re-find that childhood softness and agility. In helping you re-claim physical flexibility, this flexibilty then leads to greater flexibility in the mind and how we react to life situations off the matt. It leads you towards a truer more honest you! Wherever you are in your life, yoga can be there for you . It can transform the body physically, energeticly and emotionally. It can energize, detox, heal and nourish you . It can be a soft landing when you fall.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

Being mum to my three gorgeous daughters and being taken for a walk by my two huge labradoodles Molly and Floss! What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

Wow! It's almost impossible to choose one as depending where I am on any particular day will determine my favourite pose!. Generally though, I absolutely love and standing balance, especially Natarajasana for its openness and grace and Garudasana for that beautiful feeling of opening up the shoulders.

What is your least favourite yoga pose and why?

I know it sounds cheesy and a bit of a cop out, but I really don't have a least favourite pose. If pushed though, I probably shy away from strong core work a little more readily than I should do!

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life? Patience

An interesting fact about Rachel that you may not know is:

I used to do synchronized swimming as a teenager!!

To book into Rachel's classes click on link


What is your Dosha? What does it mean for my Yoga?

Finding Your DoshaIt is all about balance

Ever wondered why you are attracted to a style of Yoga? It might be your dosha! What is a dosha?

Yoga is key for our mind, body, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.  Ayurvedic medicine is  sister to Yoga and from the five elements three dosha's are formed.  They are Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth and water). They form physical, mental  and emotional characteristics. You are born with a dosha for your mind and for your body.

Your temperment is a good indicator to your dosha, for example if you are lively and enthusiastic by nature and like to change you may be Vata, if you are purposeful and intense and like to convince you may be Pitta and if you are easy going and like to support you may be Kapha. You may be a combination of the dosha's.  If you want to find out more click through this link for the Deepak Chopra Quiz.

Like any super power they are best used for good and not evil! If they become out of balance we can head towards the more negative aspects. To keep them in balance is not always instinctive as we tend towards what can make us more. For example you might be very attracted to dynamic Yoga, perfect.  The watch out is if you find yourself going from dynamic, enthusiastic and kind into aggressive, elbowing your way into class, sighing heavily and snarling at the person who took 'your spot'! time in a restorative class or a more meditative class would help to restore lovely you. If you are cerebral by nature and more sedentary then try Ashtanga and Flow, the dynamic classes will help to energise you. So when you next book into your weekly classes, book into what you love and need!

Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Am I Good Enough to Become a Yoga Teacher?

Hands on adjustment You have been taking yoga classes for a while and know it makes a difference to your life.  You have started to think about teaching and wondering about the next step. A momentum builds and before you know it you are looking into courses.  A very human hand brake that is often applied is the thought ‘but am I good enough?’

It is a completely natural and isolating feeling.  Take a Masterclass with some of the best teachers in the world and you will quickly see they do have a solid practise but it is not about their practise it is about the students.

Let’s take a peek at three of the world’s best teachers:

David Swenson

There are photos of David Swenson, a top Ashtanga teacher, in challenging arm balances. But in a workshop with him, instead of demonstrating his own skill in these postures, he utilises a wicked sense of humour and light hearted comments to illustrate deep teaching points.

matthew sanford

Matthew Sanford, an incredible Iyengar teacher is a paraplegic after a car accident at the age of 13.  Matthew has learnt to listen to the quiet voice of his own body, this helps him to understand what is needed in a pose. In one workshop a lady with a disability asked him if what she was doing was a good modification.  He gave her power back and suggested she needed to teach this to others and asked when her book was coming out. 'If I hadn't met Matt I would be more defined by my injury instead of the person that I am.' This is inspired teaching. Matthew Sandford on Teaching Yoga

Max Strom

Max Strom is one of the world’s most respected teachers on personal transformation and was born with physical challenges, showing there is more to Yoga. Can Yoga help with sleeping, depression, anxiety when a student does not know what else to do? See more with Max's talk on TED. There is no App for Happiness.

Max addresses the internal, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.  Max  is visiting Camyoga on the 18th April, book here

Take a moment to look around at the types of people there are in the world, Yoga is increasing 30% each year in the UK and the USA, this includes all ages and abilities.  A variety of teaches are needed to match this need.

Camyoga’s Yoga Teacher Training Diploma course is taught by the best in their field, this gives a great foundation to becoming a teacher.  To start with as a new teacher you may emulate those who you admire, keep learning and developing and teach from the heart and from your own values, be inspired to inspire and remember the very best teachers are the students.

If you are passionate about sharing Yoga. You are good enough. Teach.

Camyoga Foundation Course

Camyoga Diploma Course


Autum time: transformation time

Many say this month is the the month of transition: there is change in the chilly bite of the air, in the rich colours of the autumn leaves, and in our lives.





Autumn brings us the opportunity to meditate, to ground ourselves, and to rediscover who we are.

Camyoga's weekly Sunday meditation classes help us to take the time to explore these transformations in the company of like-minded yogis.

These 5:30 pm weekly classes go through a monthly cycle: on the first Sunday of the month we have Yoga Nidra with Beverley Nolan. On the second Sunday there is Mindfulness with Anna Jackson. On the third Sunday Beverley offers guided meditation. Classes on the last Sundays of every month are dedicated to chanting and meditation with Mark Stevens.

Come, join us. After all, trying something new may be what this October could be about ;)

Autum time: transformation time

Many say this month is the the month of transition: there is change in the chilly bite of the air, in the rich colours of the autumn leaves, and in our lives.





Autumn brings us the opportunity to meditate, to ground ourselves, and to rediscover who we are.

Camyoga's weekly Sunday meditation classes help us to take the time to explore these transformations in the company of like-minded yogis.

These 5:30 pm weekly classes go through a monthly cycle: on the first Sunday of the month we have Yoga Nidra with Beverley Nolan. On the second Sunday there is Mindfulness with Anna Jackson. On the third Sunday Beverley offers guided meditation. Classes on the last Sundays of every month are dedicated to chanting and meditation with Mark Stevens.

Come, join us. After all, trying something new may be what this October could be about ;)

Autum time: transformation time

Many say this month is the the month of transition: there is change in the chilly bite of the air, in the rich colours of the autumn leaves, and in our lives.





Autumn brings us the opportunity to meditate, to ground ourselves, and to rediscover who we are.

Camyoga's weekly Sunday meditation classes help us to take the time to explore these transformations in the company of like-minded yogis.

These 5:30 pm weekly classes go through a monthly cycle: on the first Sunday of the month we have Yoga Nidra with Beverley Nolan. On the second Sunday there is Mindfulness with Anna Jackson. On the third Sunday Beverley offers guided meditation. Classes on the last Sundays of every month are dedicated to chanting and meditation with Mark Stevens.

Come, join us. After all, trying something new may be what this October could be about ;)

Autum time: transformation time

Many say this month is the the month of transition: there is change in the chilly bite of the air, in the rich colours of the autumn leaves, and in our lives.





Autumn brings us the opportunity to meditate, to ground ourselves, and to rediscover who we are.

Camyoga's weekly Sunday meditation classes help us to take the time to explore these transformations in the company of like-minded yogis.

These 5:30 pm weekly classes go through a monthly cycle: on the first Sunday of the month we have Yoga Nidra with Beverley Nolan. On the second Sunday there is Mindfulness with Anna Jackson. On the third Sunday Beverley offers guided meditation. Classes on the last Sundays of every month are dedicated to chanting and meditation with Mark Stevens.

Come, join us. After all, trying something new may be what this October could be about ;)

Autum time: transformation time

Many say this month is the the month of transition: there is change in the chilly bite of the air, in the rich colours of the autumn leaves, and in our lives.





Autumn brings us the opportunity to meditate, to ground ourselves, and to rediscover who we are.

Camyoga's weekly Sunday meditation classes help us to take the time to explore these transformations in the company of like-minded yogis.

These 5:30 pm weekly classes go through a monthly cycle: on the first Sunday of the month we have Yoga Nidra with Beverley Nolan. On the second Sunday there is Mindfulness with Anna Jackson. On the third Sunday Beverley offers guided meditation. Classes on the last Sundays of every month are dedicated to chanting and meditation with Mark Stevens.

Come, join us. After all, trying something new may be what this October could be about ;)

“A Life Worth Breathing” by Max Strom

Max Strom's workshop at Camyoga Put the date Thursday 18th April 2013 into your diary as Max Strom - the author of the exciting and successful book “A Life Worth Breathing” will hold a workshop at our Great Shelford centre! This evening workshop will begin with a talk based on his book which will be followed by a range of breathing exercises and yoga movements.

Max Strom’s workshops are known for their healing, penetrating effects, leaving students feeling renewed and open. Freida Pinto, actress from the Slumdog Millionaire said: “You should invest in Max Strom’s “A Life Worth Breathing.” It has been my guide.”

If you’d like to find out more on Max Strom you can visit his website or watch his TED talk on ‘There is No App for Happiness’.

Book your place at our April workshop if you’re ready to be transformed!

See you soon,

The Camyoga team

Art Exhibition with Camyoga Student, Susi Watson

Camyoga is excited to be hosting an art exhibition by Susi Watson launching Saturday April 17 from 19:00 - 21:00 and lasting till April 24. In this art series, Remembering What We Know, Susi explores questions and insights that she has encountered over the past year, during her transition from America to the UK and her practice at CamYoga. 'Remembering what you know' is all about transformation, embracing change and following your dreams.

Many of us in Cambridge can relate to the transition of moving to a new place and taking up life in new surroundings. Camyoga itself has become a hub for transformation  and exploration into deeper self-knowledge.

The series is an opportunity for us to reflect on questions and images, in the hope that it may: - ignite an intention during practice - encourage nourishing conversation - inspire us to visualize our own questions, answers or ideas - further our own practice, whatever our passion may be.

Find out more about Susi at her website

Tis the Season for Transformation

Hard to believe, but we are closing in on yet another year end.  The lights are up in Cambridge and holiday tunes can be heard in shops.  As we enter a time of holidays, festivities, and celebrations, we also prepare to take stock of the past year and welcome in a new. Why not take a moment to pause in December and make space for you?

Louise Lloyd is having an Inspired Living day retreat on Saturday the 1oth of December.  A day retreat is an opportunity to take time for yourself.  Yoga, meditation, healthy food, and breath will bring you back to you but also allow you to look inward and see in what ways you are ready to grow. Feel abundant, feel inspired, and feel good.  Let go of the habits that aren't serving you, and close this year ready for the best 2012 possible.

On December 31, the ever popular Andrea Kwiatkowski will be back for a special Jivamukti workshop. What better time to take stock of the past year and look forward with fresh eyes than on new year's eve? This workshop will include some focus on mouna, silence, in a slow and detailed practice.  This two and a half hour workshop of meditation, asana, silence, and self study will transform you, ready to take on the new year.

In February of the new year, back by popular demand, is Alan Dolan's transformational breathing workshops.  These are not to be missed and always sell out.

For all workshops Book here

“‘When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

- Patanjali