Posts tagged fun
Get to know Camyoga Teacher, Rachael Moore

Get to Know Camyoga Teacher: Rachael Moore

Rachael Moore

Name: Rachael

Age:  38

Occupation: Mum and yoga teacher

What brought you to yoga?

As with many people, I first came to yoga as many people do, to help combat 'stress' as a result of my job. I worked as a speech and language therapist for children with profound medical and learning difficulties and although hugely rewarding, it was also at times highly emotional and stressful. Yoga helped me find a way to deal with the challenges I faced in a calm and grounded manner, reacting to situations in a more balanced way.

As a teacher what is Yoga about and not about?

Oooh how long have you got!!!! It is probably easier for me to say what I personally think it is not. Yoga is not about being the best in the room, yoga is not about being competetive (even with yourself), yoga is not always the glossy images you see in the magazines, practising yoga, does not  mean that you no longer experience hardship or tough times (unfortunately). The practice of yoga is far greater and deeper than all of that. Yoga gives you the tools for everyday living, it helps you on every level of your being. Yoga releases your tired stiff body from sitting at a desk all day helping you re-find that childhood softness and agility. In helping you re-claim physical flexibility, this flexibilty then leads to greater flexibility in the mind and how we react to life situations off the matt. It leads you towards a truer more honest you! Wherever you are in your life, yoga can be there for you . It can transform the body physically, energeticly and emotionally. It can energize, detox, heal and nourish you . It can be a soft landing when you fall.

What do you do when you are not doing yoga?

Being mum to my three gorgeous daughters and being taken for a walk by my two huge labradoodles Molly and Floss! What is your favourite yoga pose and why?

Wow! It's almost impossible to choose one as depending where I am on any particular day will determine my favourite pose!. Generally though, I absolutely love and standing balance, especially Natarajasana for its openness and grace and Garudasana for that beautiful feeling of opening up the shoulders.

What is your least favourite yoga pose and why?

I know it sounds cheesy and a bit of a cop out, but I really don't have a least favourite pose. If pushed though, I probably shy away from strong core work a little more readily than I should do!

What is one quality you have taken off the mat and incorporated into your daily life? Patience

An interesting fact about Rachel that you may not know is:

I used to do synchronized swimming as a teenager!!

To book into Rachel's classes click on link


Insabina Retreat: Book Now for £100 Off

It is not too soon to be thinking about longer days, the relief of warmer weather, and summer holidays. In Sabina yoga retreats are just around the corner. For a limited time we are offering  £100 Off either week. You can join Louise Lloyd and Mark Stevens in week one, or Howard Daly and Pilar Carrillo in week 2. Dates are: July 28, 2012 - August 11,  2012 This retreat is an all inclusive life changing week at one of the most gorgeous retreat centres in the world. A mix of Yoga, breath work, therapies and meditation.

Everything at In Sabina is perfectly arranged with taste and style and with yoga in mind. There are seven acres of lush grounds comprising a natural spring, gardens, pond and swimming pool amidst a tranquil and rustic setting. The surrounding area is unspoilt farmland, and the house and grounds are peaceful and quiet. There are two yoga spaces for yoga and meditation, an indoor yoga studio, and a magnificent 15 x 10 metre architect designed covered outdoor wooden platform, which sits in the valley surrounding by verdant unspoilt nature. The food is a highlight of the holiday, three meals a day of beautiful vegetarian food in abundance prepared by a specialist vegetarian chef. All adding up to the perfect environment for a yoga holiday.

Why not take a look at a video clip of Louise Lloyd teaching in In Sabina last year?

Families are welcome and for more info and booking click here

Yogitoes Prism

We now have in stock the Yogitoes Prism skidless towel.  It is made from 50% recycled polyester and has beautiful brilliant colors to radiate and represent the chakras. This towel aims to be about an elevated state of consciousness. So yes, it is good to sweat on and it is also good for the environment. And at the forefront of this campaign is Yogi, Brock Cahill.  Looks like it will not only work for hot yoga but just about anywhere. We still have in an assortment of other colors in the Yogitoes Skidless towel.  Check the Prism out next time you are in the cafe...

Handy Handstand Wall Tricks

Adho Mukha Vrksasana (downward facing tree) is most often known to us as handstand. There are some clues for us in this image of the tree to bring us into handstand. Imagine growing strong roots down into the ground and lengthening up through the body with a strong core. Handstand in the middle of a room can be a bit daunting.  Find your footing first at the wall. Going upside down can be an empowering experience as you build strength and confidence.  In order to move your Handstand away from the wall, practice engaging the core and taking the sway out of the low back.  With all things yoga...practice, practice, practice.

Take a look at the video below for some tips on kicking to the wall and then building strength once you are there.  Enjoy and have fun!!

Kids Acro Yoga Class Starting Soon

Wednesday September 7 is our first kid's acro yoga class for ages 8 - 15.  This weekly class will be taught by Howard from 4:30 to 5:30.  Learn balances, tricks, and fun yoga postures.  This fun form of yoga is perfect for children, as they gain confidence, balance, fitness, and trust.  Children will engage in spotting and support as well as learning playfully challenging postures.

Kids of all levels and abilities welcome.  If you feel like your missing all the fun, come along to our adult acrobatic/partnering yoga class on Saturdays with Howard from 16:00 to 17:30.  Feel like a kid again. Sure to make you smile.

Insabina, Italy Yoga Retreat in Pictures

The Italy retreat was a wonderful success and everyone really enjoyed themselves.  Check out the video clip below of Louise's class.  A friendly horse tries to partake. Delicious food, idyllic setting, and yoga.  Ommm. We are booking next year's retreat now.  Get in early on this delicious experience. More details here.  Join Louise and Mark on week 1, Howard and Pilar on week 2 from July 28 to August 11.  Book one or both weeks.  Families welcome!


Partner/Acrobatic Yoga Class Starting Soon...

Bring a partner or fly solo.  This class will blend yoga, acrobatics, and some therapeutic thai massage. Partnering in yoga can build trust, playfulness, and fun.  Find support in inversions, backbends, and stretches.  Also learn to spot, assist, and fly someone yourself.  Through alignment and technique flying can be comfortable and therapeutic for both parties.  Our resident man of steel, Howard, will be teaching you the ropes every Saturday at 16:00 starting July 30.

If you are curious, come check it out!  Many people will be new to this fun and exciting practice. Be prepared to play...

Get more out of your swim, bike, run! Welcome, Ellie Coates...

Camyoga welcomes Ellie Coates to the schedule.  She is offering Yoga for athletes Tuesday mornings from 7am to 8am starting July 26th.   Improve performance whether you are a runner, climber, rower, or otherwise.  Amateur and pro alike can find benefit from this new class.  Core stability? yep.  Injury prevention? definitely.
Yoga for Athletes is a strong vinyasa style which focuses on movements essential to those involved in sport. The class is designed to be both hard work, but ultimately fun!
And for post-sport bliss, or therapeutics?  Try Ellie's Shiatsu clinic on Thursdays. Think thai yoga massage, reiki, and accupuncture all rolled into one..


Jumping Forward with Howard Daly

Are you looking for a floatier practice?  Find your wings and your landing gear with this helpful video.  With practice, our yoga (practice) can take flight and the seemingly difficult (or impossible) become accessible.  Jumping is one of those things.  With practice we stop thinking we are too heavy to lift ourselves and we find ourselves landing softly on the mat.  Have some fun with this one.

You're Only As Young as Your Spine is Flexible

I am not the first person to say this and I certainly won't be the last.  We all know that feeling of freedom when our spine is limber.  And many of us know the crippling feeling of an injured, strained, or stiff back as well.  There seems to be a connection between the health of our spine and how old we feel.  Which would make yoga the fountain of youth.

While I was watching mini yogini, Aya, with her effortless back bends, this idea really hit home.  Flexibility is freedom.  Flexibility is fun.  And when we are young, we hardly know otherwise. Watch a child breathe, she uses her belly.  Watch a child move, she is unstrained and free.


Poses, like cobra, will strengthen the muscles of the back.  Boat pose and other core work will protect the spine.  Camel and wheel will deepen our back bends. As we all age, let's embrace the health of our spines and see just how young we can feel.

Camyoga Gets Sweaty

Camyoga got out and about this weekend...into the Sweaty Betty Shop window to be exact. We amazed some small children and tourists, while frightening other passers-by as they realized the mannequins were alive. It was a busy and beautiful afternoon in Cambridge market square and we did draw interest.

Yoga has definitely gone mainstream as it hits the High Street. And it's not just for sweaty's for sweaty boys too (you just won't find your kit at Sweaty Betty).

I wonder in what other crazy places yoga will crop up?