Autumn Energy Boosting Smoothie Recipe

Autumn Energy Booster Smoothie Recipe

black-currant-smoothieAs we all start turning our central heating up, stoking the fire and layering up the woollen jumpers in preparation for the chilly season, it's natural to start feeling a bit under the weather. Keep your energy levels high and your immune system strong whilst making the most of the remnants of the blackcurrant season with this delicious vitamin C packed smoothie. This delicious drink is also stuffed full of beta-carotene, biotin, B vitamins and lots of trace minerals too. Yum! If you're struggling to find blackcurrants then just use canned ones (check to make sure they're in their natural juice). It's good to keep a few cans of these on standby in the cupboard during the colder seasons!


2 bananas

2 heaped tbsps blackcurrants

10 tbsps apple juice (or blackcurrant juice, if using canned)


Whizz together in a blender (you can also use a hand blender for this one - use a tall cyclindrical container to avoid splashing yourself with purple goo though!) Sip and feel that lovely Autumnal glow lighting up your face! Not luxurious enough for you? Why not add a sprinkling of dark chocolate shavings or raw cacao? Wow.