Posts tagged phiosophy
Our Top Ten Yoga Books

Our Top 10 Yoga Books: Part One

We recently asked you to share your favourite yoga books with us. We've collated the results and here they are - the Camyoga Top Ten Yoga Books! Part Two will be published next Monday.


1. Yoga Sutras (Patanjali)

Do The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali need any introduction? This book comprises 196's sutras (aphorisms) which constitute the theoretical grounding of yoga as we know it today. There is much debate over who Patanjali was, or whether his name was a pseudonym for a group of people. It is quite widely acknowledged that Patanjali did not 'invent' yoga, yet his role in the distillation of yogic teachings into this great work does render him a vital and influential figure in the yoga world. There are many translations of the sutras and several great commentaries are available on the work. Why not read few different versions and form your own opinion?

bookdesikachar2. The Heart  of Yoga:Developing a Personal Practice (T.K.V Desikachar)

Another fantastic, all-round yoga book which can be returned to again and again. The theoretical sections offer a fantastic grounding in the concept of yoga and the history of the practice. This book appears on many yoga teacher training reading lists and is a personal favourite of Camyoga's Rachael Moore: "a beautiful book to read and re-read".



3. The Spirit & Practice of Moving Into Stillness (Eric Schiffman)

 This book's long introduction takes the form of a heartfelt biography of its author, explaining his own personal yoga journey. By setting out in this way, Eric reminds us that yoga is very much a living practice and our yoga journeys, although in many ways universal, are also unique and personal. The book offers clear instruction and photographs of over 100 asana. Thorough yet easy to digest, this book is a great addition to any yogi's library, no matter what stage in your practice you're at. It also happens to be Camyoga's founder, Louise Palmer-Masterton's favourite book.




4. Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual (David Swenson)

From one of the foremost Ashtanga teachers in the world comes this fantastic book, filled with over 650 photographs of asanas along with descriptions and multiple variations. The spiral binding makes this book a great one for use during home practice sessions as you can lay it down in front of you and flip over the pages when needed. We can't wait for David to return to Camyoga later this year!

booksjiva5. Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul (Sharron Gannon & David Life)

Jivamukti Yoga is incredibly popular here at Camyoga and this is something of a bible for the method. The story of contemporary Jivamukti takes you from New York to India and back again, on a fascinating journey through philosophy and practice. The book also contains detailed Jivamukti sequences, suitable for beginners through to advanced practitioners, in addition to information on mantra, mudra, kriyas and more!