Style of the Month: Hot Yoga


Style of the Month

Our senior Hot Yoga teacher (Jozef) - answers your HOT YOGA questions here:

1. What is your definition of hot yoga?

Hot yoga as I teach it, is a style of yoga were students while being in an artificially controlled heated room, do yoga postures which are based on a set sequence with the flexibility to introduce and integrate postures from outside this sequence, the focus is on alignment, breath and postural awareness in order to maintain, regain or improve their physical, emotional and spiritual lives.

2. Why is hot yoga good for you?

Practising Yoga in a hot environment makes the body reach its optimal working temperature more quickly if you like and when doing the floor series you stay warm whilst the profuse sweating cleanses all the pores of the skin.

3. Is hot yoga for everyone? What is the biggest difference between this style and other types of yoga besides the heat?

Hot yoga is for everyone who enjoys the benefits of asana work in a heated studio. I have had students who loved it and changed to another style later in their lives and vice versa. Besides the heat, my ‘hot style’ is a sequential style similar to other sequential styles but with a greater emphasis on alignment and breath as the element of flow is not present so there is more time to focus on these points.

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