To Practice or Not to Practice?


Louise Lloyd wanted to share some thoughts on keeping your yoga practice as part of a balanced life, in tune with your daily energy. Here are her thoughts...
So we don't always have the energy or motivation for a full on dynamic class but that doesn't mean that we should lose the benefits of a daily practice. The centre has gentle yoga, level 1, restorative yoga, and meditation classes that are all worth a visit whatever your practice level. A practice that works with our varying energy levels is much more sustainable and it is often useful to slow down and check in with your alignment or deepen your awareness of breath. After all, yoga is the ability to direct the mind to a given object and sustain it there, whether it is a challenging pose or not. Often teaching the mind to focus in a simple practice can be far more challenging for both mind and ego! So on the days that you don't have the energy for a dynamic practice instead of flopping on the sofa with some carbs get down to the centre for a more gentle class and some nurturing soup and feel the benefit on all levels.
Thank you, Louise, for sharing this post!